[教学目标]:1.能正确地听说认读形容词词汇:long, short, tall, big, little,

2.能正确地听说认读动物词汇: snake, giraffe, elephant, lion,

3.能正确地听说认读句子: This snake is … And that snake is …

[教学重点]:能正确地听说认读形容词和动物词汇:long, short, tall, big, little;snake, giraffe, elephant, lion, 及其运用


[教学用具]: 多媒体课件 包 橘子 玩具狗 尺子 单词卡片 电脑 电视




Step 1. Greetings

T: Good morning, boys and girls.

Step 2. Warmer

Sing a song “Old Mac Donald ” together(师生同唱第五模块歌曲,活跃课堂气氛,调动学生积极性)

Step 3. Presentation

(1) lead – in

Play a guessing game (教师拿一个装有东西的包让学生猜里面的东西)

T: Hello, boys and girls. Look, this is my bag. There are something in it. Can you guess? What’s in my bag? ( 故意走近学生,看一看)

Take out two oranges. One is big. The other is little. (先自己拿出两个橘子一大一小,带领大家比较后,领读)

Guess again. What’s in my bag? (先让学生自己猜测,激发学生的兴趣,如果在4-5名学生之后仍旧猜测不正确,教师提示是一种动物,并学小狗叫)

They are two dogs. Mother dog and Baby dog.

T: This mother dog is big. This baby dog is little. (引导学生说出 big / little)

( 板书 big / little , 打手势领读并检查学生认读 )

T: Look, what? “rulers” This ruler is long. But this one is short. (继续猜测并引导学生猜学习用品)


T: This pencil is long. This pencil is short. (板书 long / short , 打手势领读并让学生认读 )

T: Ask one student come to the blackboard. (找一名学生与老师对照作比较)

T: I am tall. You are short. (板书 tall / short, 打手势做动作领读并让学生认读)

T: I am fat. Ss: I am thin. (板书fat / thin, 打手势做动作引导学生认读复习)


(2) Read the words


(3) Do as I do? (教师做动作并表达,引导学生边做边说)

教师通过动作跟手势来表达所学习的形容词:long – short fat - thin tall -short

big – little


Listen and act! (学生按教师的指令做动作)

(4) Class, do you like the zoo? Now let’s go to the zoo. (课件:电视上显示动物园及动物的卡片)

T: What’s this? (狮子,长颈鹿,蛇,大象)

Ss: This is a lion/ giraffe/ snake / an elephant.


Step 4. Practice


e.g. The father chicken is thin. The baby chicken is little. The mother chicken is fat.

This snake is long. And that snake is short.

This elephant is big. And that rabbit is little.

(练习This____ is …. And that _____ is … 句式)

Step 5.Text

(通过CD-ROM 听课文,跟读并学习课文)

A: Let’s go to the zoo. Look. That snake is long. And that snake is short.

B: The giraffes are tall.

A: And I am short!

B: And look at the elephants!

A: They’re very big!

B: What’re they?

A: Lions!

Step 6. Homework