披蒲编 削竹简 彼无书 且知勉

One opened out rushes and plaited them together,

another scraped tablets of bamboo.

These men had no books,

but they knew how to make an effort.

头悬梁 锥刺股 彼不教 自勤苦

One tied his head to the beam above him;

another pricked his thigh with an awl.

They were not taught,

but toiled hard of their own accord.

如囊萤 如映雪 家虽贫 学不辍

Then we have one who put fireflies in a bag.

and again another who used the white glare from snow.

Although their families were poor,

these men studied uncessingly.

如负薪 如挂角 身虽劳 犹苦卓

Again, there was one who carried fuel,

and another who used horns and pegs.

Although they toiled with their bodies,

they were nevertheless re! markable for their application.

苏老泉 二十七 始发愤 读书籍

Shu Lao-Chuan,

at the age of twenty-seven

at last began to show his energy,

and devote himself to the study of books.

彼既老 犹悔迟 尔小生 宜早思

Then when already past the age,

he deeply regretted his delay.

You little boys,

should take thought betimes.

若梁灏 八十二 对大廷 魁多士

Then there were Liang Hao,

who at the age of eighty-two,

made his replies to the great hall,

and came out first among many scholars.

彼既成 众称异 尔小生 宜立志

When thus late he had succeeded,

all men pronounced him a prodigy.

You little boys,

should make up your minds to work.

莹八岁 能咏诗 泌七岁 能赋棋【缺字, 原文棋用或体, 基之下改石】

Jung at eight of age,

could compose poetry.

Pi, at seven years of age,

could make an epigram on wei-ch"i.

彼颖悟 人称奇 尔幼学 当效之

These youths were quick of apprehe! nsion,

and people declared them to be prodigies.

You young learners,

ought to imitate them.

蔡文姬 能辨琴 谢道韫 能咏吟

Ts"ai Wen-chi,

was able to judge from the sound of a psaltery.

Hsieh Tao-yun,

was able to compose verses.

彼女子 且聪敏 尔男子 当自警

They were only girls,

yet they were quick and clever.

You boys ought to

rouse yourselves.