夏传子 家天下 四百载 迁夏社

Under the Hsia dynasty the throne was transmitted from father to son,

making a family possession of the empire.

A fter four hundred years,

the imperial sacrifice passed from the house of Hsia.

汤伐夏 国号商 六百载 至纣亡

T"ang the completer destroyed the Hsia Dynasty,

and the Dynastic title became Shang.

The line lasted for six hundred years,

ending with Chou Hsin.

周武王 始诛纣 八百载 最长久

King Wu of the Chou Dynasty

finally slew Chou Hsin.

His own line ! lasted for eight hundred years;

the longest dynasty of all.

周辙东 王纲堕 逞干戈 尚游说

When the Chous made tracks eastwards,

the feudal bond was slackened;

the arbitrament of spear and shields prevailed;

and peripatetic politicians were held in high esteem.

始春秋 终战国 五霸强 七雄出

This period began with the Spring and Autum Epoch

and ended with that of the Warring States.

Next, the Five Chieftains domineered,

and Seven Martial States came to the front.

嬴秦氏 始兼并 传二世 楚汉争

Then the House of Chin, descended from the Ying clan,

finally united all the states under one sway.

The thrown was transmitted to Erh Shih,
