
Step 2: Presentation(重点词/句型呈现)

(师出示幻灯片) Dog can play with me.

T: (出示幻灯片)This man is blind. He can’t see. (老师领学生再读一遍blind. 老师闭上眼睛作摸索状,一边说:Oh,no! I am blind. I can’t see! (用伤心的口吻说,重复两三遍)。 Now, the whole class, please show me “blind”.(老师也一边做动作)

Ss:(跟着做)I am blind. I can’t see.

T: Ok. Open your eyes please. Blind, blind. blind.

This man is blind. He can’t see. Then, who can help him? (老师指着屏幕)

Ss: The dog helps him.

T: Yes, the dog helps him.


Oh! The girl is deaf. She can’t hear(让学生读)

(老师捂住耳朵)deaf, deaf, deaf. (让学生跟读)

Suppose I am deaf now. I want to ask you a question: Boys and girls are you happy today?

Ss: Yes.

T: What?

Ss: Yes.

T: Oh, no! I can’t hear you!

Ok, boys and girls, show me “deaf “ (老师捂住耳朵,学生跟着做) deaf,deaf,deaf.

Ss: Deaf, deaf, deaf.

T: (师指着幻灯片) This girl is deaf. She can’t hear. This dog helps her. (划线的词语学生读)。

(出示另一张幻灯片) These firemen can’t find people. These dogs help them. Fireman. fire--man.

Ss: fireman, fire--man

T:(出示幻灯片)Dogs can help the blind man ,the deaf girl and the firemen .So we can say “dogs are very useful.”
