Step 2: New Concepts

1. In the forest, it has some other animals. First, it is white and black. It has two big eys, four legs. It lives in China. It likes to eat bamboos. What is it? Do you know?

Students guess and show the answer:熊猫. Yes, it is a panda.(以猜谜的形式呈现激发学生的学习兴趣)

Ask students to spell the word.(采取个别学生读,小组读,男女读,分行读多种手段,给学生一个平等的舞台)

Where does a panda live? In China. In forest.

Ask different students to answer this question, then make them ask and answer in pairs or make a chain-drill.(多种形式的操练,避免操练形式的单一会使学生产生厌倦的情绪)

3. Do the same with other words-----lion, snake, zebra.

Lion----- It is very strong. It has mane. It likes eating meat.

Snake------- It is very long. It has no feet. It can creep

Zebra------- It is a horse, it has white and black stripes. It eats grass.(猜谜结束后播放动画验证同学们的猜测,让他们产生成就感,鼓励他们继续学习,继续努力)
