His Honor Shen was famous for his generosity. He would rather die than dicker over prices. If his money wasn't spent wisely, well, what matter? Money is made to be spent, and one way is as good as another.


But, like so many Chinese, his favorite pastime was eating and feasting. As the old saying has it, he would eat "anything on two legs except Mom and Pop, anything on four legs except beds and chairs."


And speaking of beds! Have you ever seen a fancy Chinese bed? They are exquisitely carved, with a canopy on top. Shen's bed was fit for an emperor. He always dressed in the most expensive, most glamorous clothes. He always demanded the best quality for everything he used.

说到床,你见过那种奇怪的中式大床吗?这种床有着精致的雕花,床顶还有一顶花帐。沈先生的床给皇上用都足够了。而且他还总是 穿着最昂贵最华丽的衣服。总之,无论他用什么,都要用品质最好的。

But eating was his main love. You name it, he ate it for breakfast, lunch,and dinner: duck's brains, bear paws, shark fin, camel's hump, ape lips, chicken, flogs, venison, and all sorts of rare, expensive delicacies. Over the years, the carcasses of thousands of dead animals went down Shen's throat.
