

1. 学会用I am a _______来表达。。

2. 在情景中熟练运用数字来数数。新课 标 第一网


1. 在儿歌表演的过程中,激发学生学习的兴趣;在儿歌朗读中培养学生良好的语感。

2. 在情景中熟练运用What do you see?及答句I see a _____.来描述观察到的景物



Let’s act

Let’s song




一、Warming up

1. Rhyme

One, two, three, It’s a tree.

Four five six, pick up sticks.

2. 教师出示数字一至六的单词卡片

Can you read them?


二、Learn new lesson

1. 录音机里播放音乐的节奏,学生根据教师的指令做动作)

Jump, jump, jump, jump like a rabbit.

Jump three times, one two three.

Fly, fly, fly, fly like a bee.

How many bees? Six little bees.


2. Look at the blackboard.

Can you find something interesting?

One and six is seven. Two and five is seven. Three and four is seven.

3. The children are playing happily. (点击画面,又来了一位孩子)Look, one more is coming. How many children are there now?

Elicit: seven


4. Let’s count the numbers from 1-10.

5. What are the children doing now? They are “playing the animals”。 Listen, what are they saying?

One two three, I am a bee.

Four, five. I am a bird.

Six seven eight, I am a rabbit.

Nine ten. I am a frog

6. 请出十位小朋友上台来站成一排,教师从头开始数:One, two, three,停在第三个小朋友面前,问Who are you?( I am a ___.)然后,以此类推,请小朋友数数或提问,分别停在第五、八和最后一个小朋友,提相同的问题。

7. 教师播放歌曲

What can you hear in the song?( Rabbits)

How many rabbits?( Ten)

Are they big? (No) Yes, they are little.

Read the words after teacher.

8. 要求学生用其它小动物替换,编成另一首诵读。


Rabbit, rabbit, I see a rabbit.

Little, little, a little rabbit.

9. Jenny is very little. But she has got a very big box. Let’s open the box. (点击画面,显示出各种各样的小包)

What do you see in the box?

I see bags. (点击包从箱子内出来,请学生数数)

How many bags? (引导学生用____ bags回答)

10. What’s in the bags?

Bag 1-- three pencils

Bag 2—five rulers

三、Practice and consolidation

1. 学生用书第十一页Let’s enjoy

Listen to the song.

Sing after the tape.

Sing and act.


Three and five is eight.

3. 多媒体快速呈现各种画面有动物、水果、学习用品等)What? How many?


What do you see?

I see _____ _______.


Unit 2 Small animals

one two three four five

six seven eight nine ten