
Once upon a time, there was a brahman who prided himself on his erudite knowledge of astrology and various arts. he was such a conceited man that he claimed to be learned in everything. to show his ability, he went abroad carrying his son in his arms and cried. the brahman was asked, "why are you crying?"

He replied, "this baby is going to die within seven days. i'm grieved at his inevitable death. that's why i can't help crying."

The contemporaries said, "it's difficult to know a man's life. it's easy to make a miscalculation. he may not die seven days. why should you weep in advance?"

The brahman said, "the sun and the moon may set and the stars may fall, but i have never had a miscalculation on my record."

To prove his self-claimed knowledge, he killed his son on the seventh day, for the sake of fame and gain.

The contemporaries heard the news of his son's death at the foretold time. they marvelled that he was indeed an erudite man who could prove true of what he had said. they all came to pay him homage, and were heartily convinced that he deserved respect (as a prophet)。

This is also true with those of sakyamuni's four degrees of disciples who claim to have attained the path of enlightenment for the sake of the material offerings from others. they would try to fool people by killing an innocent man in order to deceitfully show the virtue of compassion. such disciples would be certainly doomed to limitless suffering in time to come, just like the brahman who wanted to prove the accuracy of his prophecy by killing his son and thus deceived people.










从前在古印度有一位婆罗门种姓的人,自称知识渊博,能掌握星象占卜吉凶的方法预知未来。他自称技艺高明,于是就来到别的国家,抱着自己的儿子,在人们面前哭喊不止。有人问他说:“你为什么哭泣?”这个婆罗门种姓的人说:“这个小孩,过七天后就要死了,我怜悯他的夭折,所以痛哭啊!”那旁边的人说: “人的生命难以预料,预测很容易出差错。也许过了七天未必死亡,何必预先就悲痛呢?”婆罗门种姓的人说:“太阳月亮也有黑暗的时候,天上的星宿也可能会陨落,而我所预测的,从来没有失算过。”为了维护自己的名誉和利益,过了第七天,他亲手杀死了自己的孩子,以此来证明自己的推测。过了七天,人们听说他的儿子死了,都感叹地说:“真是一个智慧的人,所预言的果真不错。”人们从心里对他信服,向他致敬。
