When she heard the looking-glass speak thus she trembled and shook with anger. "Snow-white shall die," cried she, "though it should cost me my own life!" And then she went to a secret lonely chamber, where no one was likely to come, and there she made a poisonous apple. It was beautiful to look upon, being white with red cheeks, so that any one who should see it must long for it, but whoever ate even a little bit of it must die. When the apple was ready she painted her face and clothed herself like a peasant woman, and went across the seven mountains to where the seven dwarfs lived. And when she knocked at the door Snow-white put her head out of the window and said, "I dare not let anybody in; the seven dwarfs told me not." - "All right," answered the woman; "I can easily get rid of my apples elsewhere. There, I will give you one." - "No," answered Snow-white, "I dare not take anything." - "Are you afraid of poison?" said the woman, "look here, I will cut the apple in two pieces; you shall have the red side, I will have the white one." For the apple was so cunningly made, that all the poison was in the rosy half of it. Snow-white longed for the beautiful apple, and as she saw the peasant woman eating a piece of it she could no longer refrain, but stretched out her hand and took the poisoned half. But no sooner had she taken a morsel of it into her mouth than she fell to the earth as dead. And the queen, casting on her a terrible glance, laughed aloud and cried, "As white as snow, as red as blood, as black as ebony! this time the dwarfs will not be able to bring you to life again." And when she went home and asked the looking-glass,

"Looking-glass against the wall,Who is fairest of us all?"

at last it answered,

"You are the fairest now of all."

Then her envious heart had peace, as much as an envious heart can have. The dwarfs, when they came home in the evening, found Snow-white lying on the ground, and there came no breath out of her mouth, and she was dead. They lifted her up, sought if anything poisonous was to be found, cut her laces, combed her hair, washed her with water and wine, but all was of no avail, the poor child was dead, and remained dead. Then they laid her on a bier, and sat all seven of them round it, and wept and lamented three whole days. And then they would have buried her, but that she looked still as if she were living, with her beautiful blooming cheeks. So they said, "We cannot hide her away in the black ground." And they had made a coffin of clear glass, so as to be looked into from all sides, and they laid her in it, and wrote in golden letters upon it her name, and that she was a king's daughter. Then they set the coffin out upon the mountain, and one of them always remained by it to watch. And the birds came too, and mourned for Snow-white, first an owl, then a raven, and lastly, a dove. Now, for a long while Snow-white lay in the coffin and never changed, but looked as if she were asleep, for she was still as' white as snow, as red as blood, and her hair was as black as ebony. It happened, however, that one day a king's son rode through the wood and up to the dwarfs' house, which was near it. He saw on the mountain the coffin, and beautiful Snow-white within it, and he read what was written in golden letters upon it. Then he said to the dwarfs, "Let me have the coffin, and I will give you whatever you like to ask for it." But the dwarfs told him that they could not part with it for all the gold in the world. But he said, "I beseech you to give it me, for I cannot live without looking upon Snow-white; if you consent I will bring you to great honour, and care for you as if you were my brethren." When he so spoke the good little dwarfs had pity upon him and gave him the coffin, and the king's son called his servants and bid them carry it away on their shoulders. Now it happened that as they were going along they stumbled over a bush, and with the shaking the bit of poisoned apple flew out of her throat. It was not long before she opened her eyes, threw up the cover of the coffin, and sat up, alive and well. "Oh dear! where am I?" cried she. The king's son answered, full of joy, "You are near me," and, relating all that had happened, he said, "I would rather have you than anything in the world; come with me to my father's castle and you shall be my bride." And Snow-white was kind, and went with him, and their wedding was held with pomp and great splendour. But Snow-white's wicked step-mother was also bidden to the feast, and when she had dressed herself in beautiful clothes she went to her looking-glass and said,

"Looking-glass upon the wall,Who is fairest of us all?"

The looking-glass answered,

"O Queen, although you are of beauty rare,The young bride is a thousand times more fair."

Then she railed and cursed, and was beside herself with disappointment and anger. First she thought she would not go to the wedding; but then she felt she should have no peace until she went and saw the bride. And when she saw her she knew her for Snow-white, and could not stir from the place for anger and terror. For they had ready red-hot iron shoes, in which she had to dance until she fell down dead.

此刻,王后已回到王宫,站在了魔镜前,询问着镜子,但听到的竟还是和上次相同的回答。 这下,她气得浑身都哆嗦起来了,她无法忍受这样的回答,狂叫道:"白雪公主一定要死,即使以我的生命为代价也在所不惜!"她悄悄地走进一间偏僻的房子里,精心制做了一个毒苹果。 这苹果的外面看起来红红的,非常诱人,但只要吃一点就会要人的命。 接着,她将自己装扮成一个农妇,翻山越岭又来到了小矮人的房舍,伸手敲了敲门。 白雪公主把头从窗户里探出来说道:"我不敢让人进来,因为小矮人们告诫我,任何人来了都不要开门。""就随你吧,"老农妇拿出那个毒苹果说道,"可是这苹果实在是太漂亮可爱了,我就作一个礼物送给你吧。"白雪公主说道:"不,我可不敢要。"老农妇急了:"你这傻孩子,你担心什么?难道这苹果有毒吗?来!你吃一半,我吃一半。"说完就将苹果分成了两半。 其实,王后在做毒苹果时,只在苹果的一边下了毒,另一边却是好的。 白雪公主看了看那苹果,很想尝一尝,因为那苹果看起来很甜美。 她看见那农妇吃了那一半,就再也忍不住了,接过另一半苹果咬了一口。 苹果刚一进口,她就倒在地上死去了。 王后一见,脸上露出了快意的狞笑,说道:"这次再没有人能救你的命了!"她回到王宫,来到魔镜前,问道:



告诉我她是谁? "



你就是全国最漂亮的女人。 "

听到这句话,王后的嫉妒心才安定下来,感到十分愉快和幸福。 夜幕降临时,小矮人都回到了家里,他们发现白雪公主躺在地上,嘴里没有了呼吸。 他们不相信她真的死了,将她抱了起来,给她梳头发,用酒和水为她洗脸,但一切都是徒劳的,因为小姑娘看来已真的死了。 他们极为伤心地将她放在棺木上,七个小矮人坐在旁边守着。 他们悲痛欲绝,整整守了三天三夜。 最后他们绝望了,准备将她入土掩埋,但看到白雪公主的脸色红润依旧,栩栩如生,他们说:"我们不能把她埋在阴冷黑暗的地下。"所以,他们做了一口从外面也能看见她的玻璃棺材把她放了进去,棺材上用金子嵌着白雪公主的名字及铭文。 小矮人们将棺材安放在一座小山上面,由一个小矮人永远坐在旁边看守。 天空中飞来不少鸟儿,首先是一只猫头鹰,接着是一只渡鸦,最后飞来的是一只鸽子,它们都来为白雪公主的死而痛哭。

白雪公主就这样一直被安放在小山上,过了很久很久,她的样子看起来仍然像是在那儿安睡,皮肤仍然如雪一样的白嫩,脸色仍然透着血一般的红润,头发仍然如乌木一样又黑又亮。 直到有一天,一个王子来到了小矮人的房子前,拜访了七个小矮人。 在小山上,他看到了白雪公主及棺材上的铭文,心里非常激动,一刻也不能平静。 他对小矮人说要付给他们金钱,求他们让他把白雪公主和棺材带走。 但小矮人说:"就是用世界上所有的金子来换,我们也不会同意让她离我们而去的。"王子不停地恳求,甚至哀求。 看到他如此真心诚意,他们终于被他的虔诚所感动,同意让他把棺材带走。 但就在他叫人把棺材抬起准备回家时,棺材被撞了一下,那块毒苹果突然从她嘴里吐了出来,白雪公主马上醒了。 她茫然问道:"我这是在哪儿呀?"王子回答说:"你好端端地与我在一块儿。"接着,把发生的一切都告诉了她,最后说道:"我爱你胜过爱世界上的一切,走吧!与我到我父亲的王宫去,我将娶你做我的妻子。"白雪公主同意了,并与王子一同回了家。 在将一切准备好,将王宫装饰得富丽堂皇后,他们就要举行婚礼了,他们邀请了许多客人来参加婚礼。




告诉我她是谁? "



但是王子的新娘比你漂亮得多。 "

听到这些话,她又勃然大怒起来,但又无可奈何。 嫉妒心与好奇心使她决定去看看这位新娘。 当她到达举行婚礼的地方,才知道这新娘不是别人,正是她认为已经死去很久的白雪公主。 看到白雪公主,她气得昏了过去,自此便一病不起,不久就在嫉妒、愤恨与痛苦的自我煎熬中死去了。 白雪公主和王子结婚后,美满的生活充满了欢乐和幸福,他们一辈子都快快乐乐地在一起。