

学会四季单词spring, summer, autumn, winter 。并且能运用所学的有关衣服的词汇对季节进行简单的描述。





课前准备:电子白板 课件


Step 1 warming up

1、 Look and guess: T-shirt , sweater, gloves, jacket, sunglasses, coat (部分被遮挡,让学生根据露出的部分猜出是哪种服饰。)

2、 Say it quickly and loudly: T-shirt , sweater, gloves, jacket, sunglasses, coat (快速出现在白板上,学生通过起立的方式抢答。)

Step 2 Learn four seasons

1、Show four pictures of the seasons

T: Do you know which season is it ? (Point to spring)

Ss: 春天

T: Yes, spring. (板书 spring)

Read after teacher twice, then read by groups. Find Ss in different groups to read.

T:Spring, spring, it’s spring.

T: Ok, read after me . It’s spring.

Read together, then read by groups, and by Ss.

(同样的方法学习 summer, autumn, winter. 在练习时,采取不同的方法。比如声音大小,拍手读等。)

2、 Play a game:

Listen and point


Step 3: Seasons and clothes

1、 Show picture of spring

Ss: It’s spring.

T: Yes. What should we wear in spring?

Show jacket in the screen.

T: We wear jackets.

Read together, by group, by Ss, then find one student read It’s spring, one student read we wear jacket.(教授的过程中,强调jacket 必须用复数。)

(同样的方法学习 It’s summer. We wear T-shirts and sunglasses. It’s autumn. We wear sweater. It’s winter. We wear coats and gloves.)

2、 Play a game: listen guess and choose



Step 4: Listen to an English song: The seasons.

Step5: Homework

Draw their favorite season.