

Hello, everyone.

Nice to see you.

How’s the weather today?

What day is it.

Yes, it is Friday, May tenth. Last Sunday, It was Mother’s Day. What did you say to your mother? And what gifts did you give to your mother? You can say them in English or in Chinese.(在这里强调一下这个词,领读并板书,准备放到课题中.)

2、 sing a song:You love your mother and your father, they love you too. You are a happy family. Let’s sing a song: We are a happy family.


You have happy familys. Our class is a big happy family, too. Children’s Day is coming. I want to give gifts to you.(出示一个大包,内不装物品,并把它放到桌子上。)

Look! What’s this?

What colour is it?

Is it beautiful?

Is it big?

Do you like my bag?

Where is my bag?

Where is the blackboard?

(在这里暗示一下on和 above两个介词,以降低本课第七图的难度。)

What’s in my bag? Can you guess?


1、教师最后提示谜底,打开包,原来什么都没有。Look! Nothing is in my bag. but Why do I take the bag here? I want to buy gifts for you.(板书这句话,重点突出buy这个单词。) Today we will learn lesson29 Gifts for everyone.

Do you want gifts? Wait for me! I go to a shop to buy gifts. (教师拿着包走出教室,装做去买东西。去把准备好的礼品装入包中,尽可能选学生会用英语表达的物品。)当再次走进教室的时候,教师要拍着包说:I bought gifts for you。(板书这句话,与前一句进行比较,尤其是buy bought让学生说在意义上有什么不一样。)
