The giant whispered, "My name is F-E-A-R! Help me!! I have a terrible problem. I guess I look strange. When I meet people they are afraid of me. And when people are afraid of me, I suddenly grow into a giant and everybody runs away from me. YOU are not afraid of me, so I stayed small. Do you get it? It's crazy! Please help me!"

"I can take you for a walk through our village," the girl responded. "I want everyone to hear of your problem. When they know the truth, they will no longer be afraid of you. While we are going from house to house you can look at me all the time, and then you will stay the same size as you are now.

"But before we go, let's change your name. What do you want to be called? YOU should not be called FEAR, because YOU are not afraid. It's the people who look at you who fear you. That's what causes you to grow into a giant."

"Will you hold my hand gently? If I get scared I'll shut my eyes. Oh, and will you please call me PAL."
