1. 电教(图片导入)headache

T:Headache,read after me,repeat.


T:Show me a headache.(手抱头作头痛状)[学生模仿动作]

Ss:Yes,I did.

3. Let some of students do the actions,and others say the words.

For exemple:S1 shows a headache,and others say the word as quickly as possible.(要求学生动作夸张)

4. cold,fever,sore throat


T:I have a cold. (接着教师拿出纸巾捏一下鼻子)

(电教)cold,read after me,repeat.


T:Show me a cold.(手捏鼻子)[学生模仿动作]

Tid you have a cold?

(2)fever,sore throat(图片教学)

5.review the words (5 minutes)

Let some of students do the actions,and others say the words.

For exemple:S1 shows a headache,and others say the word as quickly as possible.(要求学生动作夸张)

Step 4 (8 minutes)

1.One student show a fever,then teacher asked:

What’s the matter with you?I have a fever.

T:What’s the matter with you?

S:I have a fever.

2. Look at the picture,and answer the questions.

T:What’s the matter with her/him?

S1:She/He has …….

3. pair work:

A:What’s the matter with you?

B:I have…….

Step 5 (11 minutes)

1. performence:One student act a doctor,the other act a patient.
