Step 1. Greetings and Revision

T: Class begins.

S: Stand up. Good morning/afternoon teacher.

T: Good morning/afternoon. Sit down please.

S: Thank you!


1. Words: feel hungry /cold drink /bun /buy /water /soup /vegetables /breakfast /lunch /pepper /salt /forget /remember /tomorrow /borrow

2. Sentences: Can I borrow a pencil, please? /Can I have a pencil, please? /You’re welcome. /What do you want?

3. What are you making?

4. Lead the students to learn the new knowledge.

Step 2. Presentation.

1. Learn Part D: What are you making, Mingming?

I’m making a kite. Oh, dear! I forget to bring my glue. Can I borrow your glue?

2. Ask student to use the knowledge they have learnt to finish the exercises work.

Step 3. Drills

1. Read Part D after the teacher.

2. Precise by themselves.

3. Play some games.

Step 4. Exercises

Do the exercises book’s Part candpartd2.trytheirbesttoreciteaandb.