
park park,go to the park(去公园)

cinema cinema 电影院,

go to the cinema去看电影

zoo zoo 动物园,

go to the zoo去看动物

supermarket supermarket 是超市

go to the supermarket去逛超市

长城长城 the Great Wall

go to the Great Wall去看长城

Tom 虽然年纪小,交通工具他都知道:

car car 小轿车, by car, by car 坐轿车

bus bus 公共车, by bus, by bus 乘公交车

plane plane 大飞机, by plane,by plane乘飞机

bike bike 自行车, by bike, by bike骑自行车

Unit 9 (可配上小星星的旋律进行演唱)

On on, turn on the TV / light / walkman / tap

Off off, turn off the TV / light / walkman / tap

Open open the window / door / box

Close close the window / door / box

Unit 10

蛋糕cake 松又软, 汉堡hamburger 香又香

鸡蛋egg 有营养, 冰激凌ice cream 凉又甜

milk , milk 是牛奶, milk, milk ,a glass of milk

juice, juice 是果汁, juice, juice, a glass of juice

coffee, coffee 是咖啡, coffee, coffee, a cup of coffee

tea , tea 是茶水, tea, tea, a cup of tea

cake, cake, some cake? No no no no, thanks!

Ice-cream, ice-cream, an ice-cream? Yes yes yes, two please!

Milk, milk, a glass of milk? No, no no no, thank you!

Juice, juice, a glass of orange juice? Yes yes yes, please!

Unit 11

He is a man. She is a woman.

He is a boy. she is a girl.

你拍一, 我拍一, tall tall高, short short矮

你拍二, 我拍二, thin thin 瘦, fat fat胖

你拍三, 我拍三, long long长, short short短

你拍四, 我拍四, big big大, small small小

个子高,个子高,tall tall

个子矮,个子矮,short short

高高瘦瘦 tall and thin

矮矮胖胖short and fat

头发长,头发长,long long

头发短,头发短,short short

眼睛大,眼睛大,big big

眼睛小,眼睛小,small small
