Unit 1

Topic: This is my day

Function: talk about their daily life

Structure: When do you get up/ eat breakfast/ go to school?

I usually /sometimes / often …..

Task: Design a school map, talk about it in groups.

lesson 1

Teaching aims:

1. Enable pupils to listen, say and read new phrases: eat breakfast, do morning exercises, have English class, play sports, eat dinner.

2. Understand new sentence pattern: when do you do ….? Be able to substitute with new phrases to answer “ I usually ….at ….”

3. Respond TPR activity:

What do you do on the weekend?

I usually go swimming.

4. Good to know: rules to follow everyday

Key points and difficulty:

Grasp new phrases. Read and write, be able to answer questions about daily schedule.

Teaching aids:

1. pictures, tape and record.

2. word cards (book 5 unit 2, book 6 unit 1)

3, Draw a big clock on the board.

Teaching steps:

Step 1  warming up

1. (stand in front of the clock) T: what time is it?  It’s …

Ask and answer in groups.

2. chant: what do you do on Saturday?

Review “watch Tv, read books, play computer games”
