1。T: Boys and girls,open your book to Page 9, read the passage to know more about the whales,then answer the questions.

课件呈现:Read the passage and answer the questions.(阅读提示:快速阅读,找出关键词和关键句。)

(1)How long is the killer whale’s tooth?

It’s each up to _______cm long.

(2)What is their skill(技能)?

The sperm whale can ____________________.

The killer whale can ______________________.

Give the students a few minutes,let them read the passage as quickly as they can.

Check the answers together,and explain the meaning of “each up to”, 学生齐读句子:It’s each up to 20 cm long.然后再个别读。

课件呈现抹香鲸游到海底的过程,Teacher says :Look, the sperm whale can dive into the deep cold water .What’s the meaning of “deep”?Can you guess?

学生猜测意思,再齐读句子:can dive into the deep cold water.


Teacher says:Look, the killer whale can jump out of the water.

学生学生猜测意思,再齐读句子:can jump out of the water.

(设计意图:让学生带着问题对文章进行有针对性的快速阅读,从整体上来感知短文内容,课件呈现抹香鲸游到海底、虎鲸跳出海面的过程,目的是为了帮助学生理解can dive into the deep cold water 和can jump out of water 的意思。通过阅读提示,指导学生掌握快速阅读的技巧。)
