odule 6  Holiday

Unit 2 China is the biggest country in Asia.

教学内容:New standard English(《新标准英语》三年级起点第四册)

Module 6 Holiday Unit 2 China is the biggest country in Asia.

教学目标:Language: Using the superlative from of adjectives

From:  the + superlative; the most +superlative

教学重难点:Example: Shanghai is the biggest city in China.

Vocabulary: country, Asia, island


一 Warmer:

1.  On the board write the following words: city, country and river.

2.  Tell the students that you are going to call out the names of cities, rivers and countries and they have to tell you the correct category.


T: Mississippi  S: river

T: Daqing   S: city

3.  Now call out the place names and see if the students can tell you the correct category.


T: Beijing   S: city

T: China   S: country

4.  Have the students continue the activity in pairs.

二 (1)Listen and point.

1.  Get the students to look at the four pictures and identify what is in each one (Sam and a map of China, Amy pointing to Shanghai on a map, Lingling pointing to Taiwan, Daming pointing to London on a map of England).
