教学内容:Part A

教学目标: 1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词及词组bright, sometimes, near,

songbook, open day, music room, lots of, watch TV, in class。

2. 能听懂、会说、会读并会拼写单词our, classroom, blackboard, bookcase, computer。

3. 初步掌握四会句型What’s in/on/near … ? There’s a /There are some … in/on/near … ,并获得运用所学语言进行交际的能力。

重难点: 初步掌握句型What’s in/on/near … ? There’s a /There are some … in/on/near … , 并能够交际运用。

教 学 过 程




1. T: Hello, boys and girls. I’m Amy. Nice to meet you. 很高兴能和大家共同学习第八单元 。

T: First, let’s play a game. I’ve got some pictures. Do you want to have a look? 我有一些图片,你们想看看吗?OK. Let’s go.


a. Look at this picture. Can you tell me what place it is? 你能猜出是哪里 吗?(停顿)Yes. You’re right. It’s a sitting room. Look at the sitting room. What’s in the sitting room? 起居室里有什么? (屏幕显示句型) Look! There’s a sofa. And there’s a TV. (屏幕显示句型:There’s a sofa. There’s a TV. ) “There’s “ means “有”。是There is的缩略形式。Now, follow me. 跟我读(教师带读)。There’s a sofa in the sitting room. And there’s a TV in the sitting room.起居室里有一张沙发,起居室里有一台电视。(屏幕显示句型:There’s a sofa in the sitting room. There’s a TV in the sitting room.) 坐在起居室的沙发上看电视一定很舒服吧。Do you watch TV? (屏幕显示:watch TV. )”Watch” means “观看”。Now, follow me, please. 请跟我读(教师带读,强调watch的发音)。Do you watch TV? Sometimes I watch TV in the sitting room? (屏幕显示:sometimes有时. ) “Sometimes” means “有时”. Now, Read after me, please. (教师带读)
