
T: Class begins! Good morning boys and girls.

Ss: Good morning, Miss Liang.

T: How are you today?

Ss: I’m fine, thanks.

T: Nice to meet you.

Ss: Nice to meet you, too.



T: What’s this?(指着书桌上的一本书)

S1: It’s a book.

T: Can you read?

S1: Yes, I can.

T: Who’s she?(指着某生)

S1: She’s Wang Ming.

T: What’s his name?(指着某生)

S1: His name’s Yu Lin.

评析:三年级上册的英语教学内容以日常用语为主,每节课前1-2分钟的Free talk能帮助学生巩固学习。


T: Let’s play a guessing game about animals.

T: I’m very happy to study with you. Now, let’s sing a song 《Is this a dog?》。 Do you like songs?

Ss: Yes.

T: OK. Let’s sing together.



T: Gogo likes animals too. Today he’s going to the zoo. Let’s go with him.

Ss: OK!

T:(展示动物图片)Well, who can tell me what can find in the zoo?

Ss: Rabbit,lion,tiger,panda

T: That’s great! Now, please look here. We’ll meet other animal friends today. What’s this?(出示动物卡片)

Ss: Jingyu.

T: Yes, it’s a Jingyu, but in English it’s a whale. Now, please say after me, “whale”。

Ss: “whale”。

(同法教学单词polar bear)

T: You’re so clever. Let’s listen, point and read the words after the tape.


T: Well done. Here’s an exercise. If the picture is match the word, put a check in the box, if not, put a cross in the box.

T: Which animal is in the picture A?

Ss: Polar bear.

T: And the word is_____?

Ss: Polar bear.

T: So the answer is Yes or No?

Ss: Yes.

Continue with B-F.


T: There are so many animals in the zoo. Gogo can’t distinguish between them. So he asks Tony some questions.(师生共同观看幻灯片)

T: Let’s see. Which animal is in the picture 1?

Ss: Bear.

T: What’s Gogo’s question?

Ss: Is this a panda?

T: What’s Tony’s answer?

Ss: No, it isn’t.

Continue with picture2.


T: Now, let’s listen to the tape and read after it.

T: Your pronunciations are fine. Now please point to another animal ask and answer in pairs.


T: You do a good job. Let’s play a guessing game.


T: You are no bad. Let’s finish pratice1: Listen and number.

T: Let’s check the answers. Which picture is Number 1?

Ss: Picture 3.

Continue with the rest of the numbers.

T: Very good. Here’s practice2. Gogo asks you some questions. Can you answer them?

Ss: Yes.

T:(展示图片A并播放问题声音)Is this a panda?

Ss: Yes, it is.

Continue with B and C.


T: You sounds are very nice. Now, please look at your paper. Here is a forest. There are many animals in it. Can you find them out and say them out?

Ss: Yes.


T:At last, we have a match, a copy match. Please copy the words and sentences correctly.


T: Today we make friends with many animals. Animals are our friends, we must protect them. Do you think so?

Ss: Yes!

T: OK! Let’s begin from now on.

T: Class is over. Goodbye boys and girls.

Ss:Goodbye, Miss Liang.



本课使用的教材是开心版小学英语三年级上册Unit7 Is this a dog?教师从学生的认知规律入手,由浅入深、由易到难,降低了英语语言学习的难度。同时充分利用卡片、图片、多媒体教学软件等直观教学手段,调动了学生的多种感观投入到语言学习中来。教师还利用游戏、歌曲等活泼有趣的形式增加了课堂教学的感染力,提高了教学效果,取得了良好的教学反馈。