课题名称:Unit 2 A new house


教学目标:能正确理解,掌握对话内容,并能朗读,初步表演对话。能正确地掌握四会单词:live, study, a bedroom, large,a wall, a bed.    能正确地听说读写句型:What’s in /on…? There’s / There isn’t…There are some/ There aren’t any…    能正确地听说读写日常交际用语或句型I live in a new house now. They like the… very much. 上课形式:跨校公开课 教学步骤:

Step 1

Free talk … T: We have lessons in the classroom, but today we have this lesson in the Meeting room. Ss: Yes. T: Is classroom big? Ss: Yes, it is. T: Is Meeting room big? Ss: Yes, it is. T: Is classroom big or Meeting room big? Ss: Meeting room. T: So classroom is big and Meeting room is large.(出示large卡片)学生跟读并组短语。 Ss: A large meeting room, a large sitting-room etc. (评析:这位老师的聪明之处在于能就地取材。用谈话导入法,利用学生周边的环境与学生对话,就已经学过的句型以旧带新,导入新课。)

Step 2

1.多媒体出示上课学校图片。 T: A large school. Is it new/beautiful? Ss: Yes. It’s a new school. I’m in a new school. T: I think the school is near your house. Ss: Yes, It’s near my house. T: So you live near your school.教授live. 2.多媒体出示classroom, playground, building的图片。 T: What’s in/on…? Ss: There is /are… in /on…(学生练说)
