
Once a fox who stood under a tree was hit by a twig fallen on his back. he then closed his eyes for he did not like to see the tree. soon after, he went to an open space. he would not return even when night fell.

Later, however, when he saw the branches and the leaves of a big tree wavering up and down in the wind, he said to himself, "the tree must be calling me." he then went back under the tree where he had got hit earlier.

So is a stupid disciple. in his attempt of becoming a monk, he has chances to approach a tutor from who he runs away at his first slight rebuke. afterwards, he gets into a lot of trouble when he meets friends who have adverse influence over him. only then does he begin to think of returning to his tutor. it is indeed stupid of him to go and come like that.






譬如野干在树下,风吹来,树枝折断了,堕落在它的脊背上。它就生气地闭上眼睛,不想看树了,离开了这块地方,到露天底下去了,乃至日暮了,也不肯回去。远远看见大树的枝柯被风吹得上下摇动,便以为那声音是在叫唤他呢? 随即回到了树下。
