
This is the revision of this unit. So there are two parts in this lesson. One part is the revision , the other part is the test.


Organizing the teaching:

1.Daily dialogue. The teacher and the students say hello to each other.

2.Sing an English song



1.Listen.Fill in the blanks.

2.Listen. Write what you hear.

a.How many minutes a day do you do your homewrk?

b.Exercise is good for you.

c.How many days a week do you play sports?

d.After breakfast, I brush my teeth..

e.Before you go to school, you comb your hair.

f.This girl is strong and healthy.

g.How many hours a week do you help your family?

Students’ Acitvities:

1.Talk freely about daily dialogue.

2.Sing the English song.

3. Play “Happy Face ,Sad Face” with a whole class..

4.Play “Secret Words ” and “Spelling Bee?” with a whole class and individuals.

5.Have a test with a whole class.