
1. 认识Wonderland中的单词sweets, cookies, bones和meat, 能熟练运用这些单词。

2. 能理解和使用句型:I can …

发展目标:1. 能用I can …的句型告诉别人你能做什么。

2. 能用wonderland中的单词或其他食品与Grand Theatre的语言材料进行整合,组成新的对话进行表演。

能力目标:1. 能看单词说出:“sweets, cookies, bones和meat”,培养学生看词形说单词的能力。

2. 培养学生看图说话的能力,看“Farmland”中提供的图片用“I can …”来告诉别人你能做什么。


1. 情感态度:培养学生喜欢上英语课的情感,并有在课内养成认真听、勤奋练和积极举手发言好习惯。

2. 学习策略:培养小学生有合作学习的态度和方法,有效利用教学游戏和活动培养学生合作学习的意识。

3. 文化目标:知道西方国家在电影中常常把老鼠描写成一个既聪明又伶俐的角色,如“Tom and Jerry”, “精灵鼠小弟”等,这与中国的文化十分不同。在中国,老鼠是一个令人讨厌的动物。

教学资源:Student’s book 1B Unit 7

Cassette 1B Unit 7

Student’s workbook 1B Unit 7

Word and picture cards 1B Unit 7

Teaching Transparencies 1B Unit 7

Lesson Plan





Pre-task preparation


1. Greeting

2.Talk about your favourite toys and fruits.

1. Teacher and the students greet one another.

2. Review some words.

I’ve got _____. It’s ___.

This is ____. It’s ____.

1. 创造英语学习的氛围,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。

While task presentation

Task 1. Lead in:

Ask: What food do you like?

Task 2. Teach the new words:

sweets cookies bones meat

Task 3. Group work:

Make sentences in group.

1. Encourage the students to say their favourite food.

e.g. I like apples.

2. Show the pictures to the class: sweets, cookies, bones, meat

Listen to the teacher, and read after the teacher.

3.Make sentences:

I can see \smell _____.

1. 引入:


2. 有机地把操练和应用结合起来,学会用I like…表达对某些食品的热爱。

3. 在小组合作中,学会发表自己的想法。

Post task activities

Team work:

1. Look at the word cards and read the new words.

2. Play a game: “What’s missing?”

3. Topic: What can you do?

4. Team work:

Talk about your friends. What can he/she do?

1. Read new words:

2. sweets, cookies, bones, meat


2. Teacher shows word cards to the class, then takes one out and asks: What’s missing?

3. Make a mini dialogue

4. Introduce your friends. Tell us: What can he/she do?

把游戏渗入到教学中, 与新学词汇整合起来,增加语言训练的趣味性,同时也训练学生的反应能力。