
Review part A with new words to make dialogues to show the school things.

To cultivate their interest of learning English and the consciousness of communicating in English.

Learn the letters: Gg, Hh.


To perform the song in the class.

Review Part A and B.

Learn the two letters: Gg, Hh.


Pictures, tape recorder


 Step 1: Greetings

Sing a song:

Free talk:

What’s the weather like today? / How’s the weather?

T helps them to say: It’s warm. Spring is coming, and everything turns to green. Rose is in the bloom, you can see it if you will wait. Is rose nice?

Ss: Yes, it’s very nice.

 Step 2: Review

Sing the song:

Ss change the words and sing the songs.

Ss sing their songs in pairs.

 Step 3: Presentation

Teach the letter Gg.

Ss read after T.

Which word include the letter g?

Ss may say a lot, T helps them to concluded the pronunciation of letter: G g in the word.

Read the words.

What does letter Gg look like?

Teach the letter Hh.

Can you find letter h? (there’re many words on the list)

h pronounced /h/. Read the words.

find friends

T gives them some letters and let the one who hold the capital letter to find the one who hold small letter.

Letter competition: T says: A, Ss say:B, T says C, Ss say D.

 Step 4: Read after the tape

Ss read after the tape recorder.

Ss read after T.

Ss read by themselves.

 Step 5 Homework:

Review Part ABC


Unit 4 My nice ruler

Gg Hh

bag hand

(Picture) (Picture)


Begin the class with the song: rose rose. Let them to review the words: nice. And the expression “It’s very nice.” Then they can distinguish them easily. Letter saying competition helps Ss read more fluently. I read the letter, and they show the cards. This process check them if they catch the letter or not. And the process of matching the letters, help them to practice in the quiz.