1. Free talk.

T: …What can you see in this room?

T: What can you see in the sky?

2. Lead in

Show two pictures of the sun and the wind

Learn the words:sun, wind

T: Today, we will learn The Sun and The Wind

[设计意图] 阅读前通过Free talk快速引出太阳和风,进而借助图片的对比让学生感知

StepⅡ Listen and answer. (Present the title)

1. Listen to the story and answer.

T: What’s the story talking about? The Sun and The Wind

[设计意图] 配以图片听故事,初步整体感知。

StepⅢ Read silently, learn to guess the meanings of the new words.

1. Read silently, underline the new words.

Maybe the new words are quarreling, blow, turn, shine, take off

The teacher tells us:

a. Guess the meaning by pictures

b. Guess the meaning by guessing

2. Read and learn the new words one by one

3. Say the other new words, guess the meaning by the method.

[设计意图] 默读,学会扫除阅读中生词障碍的方法即借助图片猜词义和结合上下文猜词义。

StepⅣ Read quickly, catch the main idea.

Read quickly and judge true or false.

a.( )The sun and the moon are talking.

b.( )The sun gives off lots of light.

c.( )The wind says,“I will try first.”
