




1. 语言知识目标:能听说读写新词chopsticks difficult answer city. 能够听说读写句型I’ve got some Chinese chopsticks. My brother has got a Chinese kite. Have you got a book about America?

2. 语言技能目标:能够听说读写本单元句型;能运用所学语言描述自己或他人拥有某物;能用have got 询问对方,回应对方。并将所学语言运用到真实语境中。

3. 情感态度目标:培养学生学习英语的兴趣,积极参与各项活动,并学会珍惜自己拥有的东西。


掌握句型I’ve got a/some…。She/He has got a/some…。Have you got a/some…?并能在实际情景中运用。


1. 能灵活运用have got 的句型。

2. 能运用到实际生活中写简单的






一、warming up.


2、Sing a song “please stand up”。


3、Chant: (PPT呈现)

Have got, have got, I have got a pen pal. Have you got a pen pal? Yes, I have. Yes, I have. Has got, has got, he has got a pen pal. Has he got a pen pal? Yes, he has. Yes, he has.



1、Guessing game. Show a kite to the students, review the word “Chinese kite”,then let them close their eyes, teacher put the kite into a student’s schoolbag. Then let other their classmate: Have you got the kite? 最后得到风筝的学生说:I have got a kite.

[设计意图:在这个环节中,运用这个游戏活动,能够集中学生的注意力,激发学生的学习兴趣,创造英语学习的氛围,同时又复习巩固了已经学习的知识Have you got…?为新授课开了个好头。]

T: Look at my bag; I have got lots of thing. Can you use “Have you got…?”ask me? They are twins. They are always together. If you have rice, you will use them. Who are them? (课件出示)

S: Have you got some chopsticks? (也可以说中文筷子)

T: Yes, I have got some Chinese chopsticks.

2、Teach new words.

(1)Teach “chopsticks”出示不同的事物,集体操练I have got some Chinese chopsticks.这个句型。

(2)Teach “difficult”

T: can you use chopsticks?

Ss: Yes, I can.

T: Chopsticks are easy for us, but they are very difficult for foreign people. Teach “difficult”操练Chopsticks are very difficult for Amy /Sam / Laura.

(3)Teach “answer”Why chopsticks are very difficult for foreign people? Who can answer my question? Teach “answer”

S: Because foreign people use fork and knife. They don’t use chopsticks.

T: Wonderful!Foreign people use fork and knife. We use chopsticks. So fork and knife …

Ss: fork and knife are difficult for us. T: Because we are Chinese.

(4)Teach “city”

T: Can you tell me? Where are you from?

S: I’m from Guilin. (预设学生的答案)

T: Guilin is a beautiful city. Teach “city”



[设计意图:在这个环节中,学习新单词answer city Chinese chopsticks, Chinese kite, difficult for ,以及重点句型的练习和课文中重点句子的教授,为新课的学习做铺垫。]

3、learn text.

T:Do you remember Laura? Where does she from? Who did she meet in New York? What does she want?

Ss: She is from America. She met Daming in New York .She wants a Chinese pen pal.

T:Yes, she wants a Chinese pen pal. So she wrote a letter to Lingling. Let’s go to see this letter. Open you book, today we are learn Module6 Unit1 I’ve got some Chinese chopsticks.


(1)Listen repeat and find “have got”。

(2)Read sentences “I’ve got long, red hair and blue eyes. I’ve got some Chinese chopsticks.”

(板书)I have got = I’ve got T: Laura has got long, red hair and blue eyes. What have you got? (让学生用句型描述自己)

(3)Listen repeat again and with questions.(先整体听一边,再分段听,并回答问题)

①What has Laura got?

②What has her brother got?

③Laura向Lingling 提了那些问题?

板书:He has got a Chinese kite. Have you got a book about America? 并用词组替换的形式操练句子。

(4)Read the text together .


(5)让学生看板书,并找到什么时候用have got , 并找到什么时候用has got. Have的第三人称单数是has, 所以在句子里是第三人称的用has got,其他的用have got。







1、Copy the new words and sentences two times.

2、做个调查表,用“have got”去询问你的朋友和家人拥有什么东西。


Module 6 unit 1

I’ve got some Chinese chopsticks

Have you got a book about America?

He has got a Chinese kite.

I have got = I’ve got

have 的第三人称单数是has