
1. 词汇:

2. 词组:

3. 句型:1) You are a fisherman. No. / Yes.

2) Are you a teacher? Yes, I am.

No, I am not.


1.Using formulaic expressions to identify people

Eg: You are a farmer.

2.Asking yes/no questions to identify people.

Eg: Are you a teacher?


1. Using formulaic expressions to identify people

2.Asking yes/no questions to identify people.


Pre-task preparation

1. ●★Choose one job and say something about it.

I am a _______. ( farmer, fisherman, driver …)

I am ______. ( tall / short )

I am ______. ( young / old )

I am ______. ( fat / thin )

I have got a ________.

2. Play a game: Who am I? ( Ask several pupils to come to the front. And describe themselves one by one. Let others guess : You are ______.

P1: I am tall. I am fat. I am young.

P2: You are ______.

While-task procedure

1. (Lead in): You are a fisherman.

T: I am tall. I am fat. I am old. I have got a boat and a net. What am I?

P: You are a _______.

1) Read the sentence.

★2) Practice 1: Look at the pictures and make a sentence. (change the pictures)
