
本课选自冀教版小学英语五年级下册Unit 2 In Beijing的第四课The Great Wall. 在本单元,学生已经了解到小主人公到达北京,开始了他们的北京之旅,并且参观了北京的景点天安门广场,故宫。本节课内容主要包括两个部分。第一部主人公谈论长城的历史和长度。第二部分讲述Danny在从长城回来的路上由于不顾交通规则所发生的事。本课通过主要是让学生学会如何用英语谈论长度,学会在城市中行走要遵循的安全规则。本课篇幅不长,图文并茂,但其中包含着丰富的语言信息。


五年级的学生已经有了一定的英语知识基础,具备了一定的逻辑思维能力以及简单的口语表达能力和阅读能力,能借助图片读懂简单的对话,表达情感和进行语言交流。学生们在第一单元已学过祈使句Please.…。和Please don’t……的表达方式,本课将结合在道路上安全行走这一情景继续渗透祈使句Don’t be afraid 等的用法。


1 语言知识目标

学生能正确听说读写单词feel tired stop wait afraid 学生能认读理解并运用下列句型

How long is……?

Don’t be afraid.

2 语言技能目标

学生能够运用本课句型how long is it?来谈论物体的长度。



3 情感态度目标









T: Good morning, children. Nice to meet you. Let’s play a game “brain storm”。

What’s the capital city of China? What do you know about Beijing? S: There are many interesting places in Beijing. The Palace Museum is Beijing. It is very old. S: Beijing duck is famous and delicious.Yummy. S: There are many people in Beijing. S: The Great Wall is also in Beijing. It is very long. (教师利用开放性问题What do you know about Beijing?打开学生的思维,学生可以运用所学知识,可以从食物、名胜古迹、人口等等方面描述他们所知道的北京。)

T: We are going to have a new English lesson. I feel excited.


Part 1 复习并呈现新知Talk about the Great Wall. T: (出示长城图片)

Look, what’s this? Do you know this place? What do you know about the Great Wall? S: The Great Wall is in Beijing. S: The Great Wall is old. (板书old )

S: The Great Wall is long.(板书long)

S: It is great. S: It is a famous place in China and the world. T: Do you want to go to the Great Wall? Our friends Jenny, Li Ming and Danny want to go to the Great Wall, too. But how do they go from their hotel to the Great Wall? (出示选项bike, car, bus)


How do they go to the Great Wall? S: They go to the Great Wall by bus. They need to take a bus. It is far. T: Why don’t they go by bike? By car? On foot? T: (指着板书old, long)

we know the Great Wall is old, then how old is the Great Wall?(在old前板书how )

Is it 33 years old, like Ms Wang? It is long, then how long is the Great Wall? (在long前板书how )

Please watch again and answer. 阅读Part 1,回答问题

How old is the Great Wall? It is 2000 years old. How long is the Great Wall? It is 5000 kilometres long. 学生活动:Pair work, ask and answer. 小组问答,男女生问答,同桌问答。

Read the text of Part 1. 同桌对话。

T:(出示Jenny, Li Ming and Danny在长城上的图片):Now,they are on the Great Wall. They are talking about the Great Wall. How do they feel? (板书feel)

Look at Li Ming. He is happy. We can say Li Ming feels happy. Look at Jenny. How does she feel? Does she feel happy, too? S: Yes, Jenny is happy. Jenny feels happy, too. T:What about Danny? S: He doesn’t feel happy. He says, oh, my cap. 看图片,写出描述感受的词语。

The boy is sitting. How does he feel? He feels tired. The children are crying. How do they feel? They feel sad. 听歌曲How Do You Feel?

在轻松愉快的氛围中体验感受。为学习Part 2 作准备。

Part 2 T: They are on the way to their hotel. Guess how does Danny feel? What does Danny do? 播放Part 2视频,回答问题

How does Danny feel? He feels hungry and tired. What does Danny do? He sees a restaurant. He runs to the restaurant. T: Now Danny is running to the restaurant. What does Jenny say? Read and find the answers. 学生读并寻找答案。


Stop. Don’t go.

Please wait. Please be careful. (板书stop, wait)

T: Why can’t Danny go to the restaurant now? S: There are many cars and buses on the street. T: Look at the traffic lights. What color is the light? S: The light is red. So Danny can’t go to the restaurant. T: Yes, the light is red. Please stop and wait, Danny. T: but Danny is on the street now. There are many cars and buses beside him. How does he feel? How do you know? S: He says “Help!Help!”

T: He feels afraid. (出示afraid)

He is afraid of cars and buses. who can help him? S: A man. T: What does the man say? S: Don’t be afraid.(板书)

I can help you. S: Be careful when you cross the street. Wait at the traffic lights. Stop and look before you cross the street. The light is red, please stop and wait. The light is green, you can go.


Happy Reading Time (Part2)



A 小组齐读

B 一人一句

C 分角色读……

Show Time 注意这些,你们的表演会更出色。


What can we learn from Danny? Red is stop. Yellow is wait. Green is go. 学生也可用汉语来表达自己有关交通规则的观点


What do we learn today? T: You work hard and do well in this lesson. We had a great time. I feel happy to stay with you.
