
Step 3 Practice

Activity 1: Look and say

T:You’re good . Look at Rabbit Mother . Who can tell me what’s this ?

S: It’s a nose .

T:What are these ?

S:They are ears .


T:Read together ,please . Who can read ?

S:I try . (请部分学生读一读)

Activity 2: Find friends

T: You did a good job . Look . I have some cards in my hands .There are some pictures and some words on the cards .The pictures and the correct words are good friends . Can you find out the friends ?

S:Yes , we can .

T:First , let’s look at the example . (播放活动短片) Clear ? S:Yes .

T:Ok , your turn . Let’s go .

Step 4 Consolidation

Activity 1: Listen and do

T: You can do a good job . But can you listen and do the actions ? Let’s have a try , ok ?

S:Ok .

T:Touch your nose. Open your mouth . Close your eyes .
