

(1)词汇:cheese, scared, broke


She went into a shop.

She bought some cheese.

She ate the cheese.

Tilly saw a cat.

She was scared.

Tiily broke the door and ran away.











Step1 Warm up

1. Listen and try to sing the song: Hickory Dickory Dock

2. Find out the present tense and the past tense:

E.g. go, see, buy, is, am, eat, run, went, saw, bought, was, ate, ran

Present tense Past tense

go went

see saw

buy bought

is, am was

eat ate

run ran

Step 2 Presentation and practice

1. Show some pictures:

E.g. apples, cheese, books, pears

Guess: What did I buy yesterday?

S: You bought .

The answer is: I bought cheese.

Teach: cheese

2. T: Have you see a cartoon, which is about a mouse and a cat? Yes, it’s Tom and Jerry. The mouse is cute and clever, and the cat always has a bad luck. Today we’re going to read a story also about a mouse and a cat.

The mouse’s name is Tilly. (教师可拿一个小老鼠的图片作介绍)

Tilly likes eating cheese. But yesterday, let’s listen: What happened to her?

3. Listen and answer:

(1) When did Tilly go into a shop?

(2) What did she buy?

(3) Did she eat the cheese in the shop?

(4) What did she see?

(5) What did she do?

Teach: scared

broke the door and ran away

4. Listen and circle the past tense.

5. Listen and repeat.

6. Act it out:

I’m Tilly. I’m a mouse. Yesterday, I went…

Step 3 Consolidation and extension

1. Do the exercise on the activity book: Page 12 – 1 Listen and draw ×or√

2. 讲一讲自己一次难忘的经历。

3. Listen and sing the song together.

Step 4 Summary


2、Let’s read the sentences together.

Step 5 Homework

1. Listen and repeat the story.

2. Act the story.

Step 6 Blackboard design

Module 3 Unit 2 She went into a shop.

She went into a shop.

She ate the cheese.

Tilly broke the door and ran away.