

1)能听懂、会说、认读单词:like, lion, them, all, play, with, together.

2)能听懂、会说并熟练在情景中运用“I like.....”句型谈论自己的喜好。



Step1、Warm-up(热身)& Lead-in(导入)


T: Class begins! Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls. How are you?

(幻灯片倒计时)Are you ready for class? Let’s count together! Five, four, three, two, one, go!


T: Look! “I can do”.(上课口号) Are you ready?

Ss: clap hands and say the words.

Sing and do the actions. “Old Macdonald”

Ss: Sing the song and clap hands. (模仿各种动物叫声 )


(1)(幻灯片)Look! The animals are having a sport meeting.(动物们在举行运动会)

What animals do you know? Let’s review. “Cut the words”(Review: 用“切水果”的游戏复习已学的动物名称。)

(2)T: Here’s a video for you. Watch and answer: What animals do you know?(播放动物视频,学生观看并思考)

T: What animals do you know?

Ss: elephant/ lion/ bird···


1、T: What’s the difference between animals? Let’s watch.(播放课文一动画,学生整体感知课文。)

T: (狮子和猫的对比图)T: What’s this?

Ss: lion

T: Yes. lion, lion, lion. (手指爬山练习单词,一排学生传递卡片读单词,一排学生two by two读单词。教师模仿狮子用TPR引导学生进行练习。)

Look, Lions are_______, cats are______.(TPR引导)

Monkeys are________, elephants are_______.(TPR引导)

Pandas are ________, I like them all. (TPR引导)

(幻灯片出示文本,并把学过的big, small, short, tall, fat用空格代替,结合图片让学生凭记忆读出。)

T: I like pandas. What do you like?

新授单词并板书: like (手指爬山练习单词,一排学生传递卡片读单词,一排学生two by two读单词)

T: I like them all.(新授单词them, all 方式同like)

T: (课文一幻灯片)Now, let’s read together. You can clap hands with your partner.(同桌之间拍手练习儿歌)(或者教师用TPR进行形象演示,学生进行练习)

Who wants to show?

(同桌上台展示,2-3对) How about ···and···?

Ss: ···speak very loudly/clearly/emotionally.


3、 T: Now, let’s practice. Who wants to be a little teacher?


Hi, I’m ··· I like···

T: Now, practice with your partner. (幻灯片出示同桌合作要求)

T: Who wants to show?

Ss: ···(展示评价同上)

4. T: You did a very good job. Let’s have a rest! (师生唱歌并做手指操)

5.T: Look, this is our friend-Panpan. What does he like? Let’s watch.(播放课文二动画,学生初步感知大意。)

What does Panpan like?

Ss: basketball and football.

T: Now, let’s listen and repeat.重点句子强调。

Step3、Practice and Check.(练习与反馈)

1. Today, we have learned so many things. Now, we have 3 tasks: words, sentences and text. Are you ready?(幻灯片展示3关)

2. First,words.(单词关) Read and translate. Practice with your partner.(出示要求)


T: Now, let’s check.(小青蛙跳伞)

3. Sentences(看图说话)(形式同上单词关)

4. Text(幻灯片出示要求)(形式同上单词关)


T: Wow, you’re so wonderful. I have a real animal meeting. Do you want to see? (动物运动会视频)


Make sentences as many as possible.(尽可能多的造句子)

I like···

Practice the chant and clap your hands with your parents.(和父母一起练习拍手说儿歌。)