

2、让学生练习:Where are you from? I’m from …。Where do you come from? I come from …两个句式。

3、会正确听、说、读、写以下单词和句子:where ,from, China.

Where are you from? I’m from China.


1、Can write the words and sentences.

2、Can use the dills to ask and answer. Where are you from?

I’m from …。


1、tape and pictures.

2、Lesson 10 的课件。




1、T: First of all, let’s relax. Sing a song, Where are you from?



T: Answer my question .Where are you from?

生: I am from China. 让一个学生回答后, Ask the students like the teacher, one by one. 学生开始提问。

有的学生说出我来自北京,老师走过去说: I want a friend from Beijing .Let’s be friends. Shake hands. 师生握手。


1、Show some countries’ territory.

T: Look at these national territories.出示演示文稿中国的版图。

T: Which country is this territory? 同学们异口同声的说:China. Then the teacher asks again: Where are you from? / Where do you come from? (I’m from…/I come from…)。

同学们根据老师提问的不同句型进行的回答,有的学生说错了,师给予纠正,反复练习这两个句式。 同法认识英国、美国、澳大利亚、新西兰等国家的版图。

2、教师继续出示日本的版图问:Which country?(学生们有的知道。)

T: Yes. You are very clever. This territory is Japanese territory. 师点击演示文稿出示单词:Japan. 师教学生读单词,对读错的学生进行纠正。

3、老师教完Japan 后,says:use the word make sentence.同学们纷纷造句。


T: Let’s make dialogues, use the word and the sentence pattern.如:Hi, I’m… .I’m from…。 Where are you from? / Where do you come from?学生们积极进行编对话练习,老师进行指导。之后,让每个组进行表演。

Then T: Well, Do you know Japanese flag? 有的学生说知道,师出示日本的国旗,并说This flag is Japanese flag. Show me your Japanese flag. 同学们纷纷举出日本的国旗。



1、T: Now take out your cards and maps .Watch me first demonstration. (老师拿出自己的卡片,然后说:Hello! I’m Miss Wang. I’m from China. I want a friend from Britain.然后老师在走到学生中间:Who comes from Britain? 到那英国地图的学生面前说:Where do you come from? 请这个学生回答:I come from Britain.老师和这个学生握手并说:Shall we be good friends? 学生非常高兴地说:OK! 然后,老师给学生们分成5个组,并交代学习任务:像老师一样进行小组练习。

2、Work in group. 教师来到学生们中间对做的不好的组进行指导和帮助。

3、Ask two groups of students to come to the front to do a show.

表演完T: Now let’s select the best team. Which group is the best ?

S: 4 group. T: Do you agree with?

S: Yes. 师给最好的组奖励。

四、Write the new words and sentences.

T: Watch me first demonstration.

T: Write a sentence, the first letter of the word should be capitalized, finished putting a full stop. Then the teacher writes the words and the sentences on the blackboard.

Then ask the students to read and write.

五、Let’s chant.

T: D pronounce /d/ 读带D 的单词。师领读chant中的带有/d/的发音的单词。

1、Listen to the tape. Two times.

2、Ask the students read.


1、Read the chant.

2、Write the words and sentences.