Hello.xx,will you take…?(播放幻灯片)

Yes,I will . No,I won’t.

Now please make a dialoge with your deskmate according to the pictures.


Well done,so much for the revision.

Step3:New lesson

Before our class,we enjoyed a song about week,do you know week?Look,播放幻灯片,显示周一到周日)Yes,week means 星期。Do you remember the words?let’s see them together.

(设计意图:学生们对于这些单词已经有一些了解,同时学过了3个单词,在课前让学生们欣赏了happy day这首歌曲,里面包含着周一到周日的单词,看一下学生们是否能说出来,同时进行讲授)

Now please read the words in your grous(学生小组巩固单词)

Let’s read the words together.

Very good,today is Monday,and tomorrow is Tuesday,On Tuesday,I’ll fky kites.What will you do on Tuesday,XX


Today I want to introduce a new friend for you,This is Shanshan,next week is a holiday ,and she made some plans,now,let’s listen to the tape and find out what she will do on Monday?
