





2.用What are you/we?询问职业,及对问题的回答,You/we are…


1.What is he/she? He is …/She is… What are they ? They are…。

2.名词复数形式变化 Soldier soldiers



Step 1;Greetings

T:Good morning,Class! My name is Shirley.

S:Good morning, Shirley. T:Nice to meet you .

S:Nice to meet you, too.

T:(走下台问学生)What’s your name ?

S:My name is …。

T:OK.How old are you ?

S:I’m …years old.

T:What day is it today ?

S:Today is Tuesday.

T:What day was it yesterday ?

S:It was Monday.

T:Yes,let’s sing a song.(Sunday,Monday…)

OK,How about this song?(打开ppt,播放Ten Little India Boys)

Step 2:(歌曲视频:Ten Little Indian Boys)

引导学生看视频中的歌词,注意名词的复数形式,在复数形式出现时,暂停视频, T:一个小男孩是a little boy,两个小男孩是two little boys,(板书boy-boys) 好,我们再来看看这些卡片上画了什么?

Step 3:出示卡片

T:What is he? (板书) S:He is a soldier.(板书)

T:对的,非常好,当我们再问别人的职业时,就用What is he? 句型,回答就说:He is a…。 我们再来看一组图片。

出示PPT,T:What is he? S:He is a teacher. T:What is she? S:She is a teacher. T:What are they?(将两个老师图片拼在一起)

S:They are teachers.

T:对了,这有两个老师,这时候就全改为复数形式,is 改为are,他变成他们they,相应的,回答中的he is变成they are.我们再来看看图片中有几个士兵呢? 展示ppt,让学生数,How many soldiers in the picture?老师带着数,one soldier ,two soldiers…


T:What is he? S:He is a policeman. T:What are they?(指着ppt上的图片) S:They are policemen.


Step 4:


T:Look at this picture ,now what am I ? ↓

Step 5:出示卡片,引出句型

T:What am I ? S:You are a teacher. 出示其他职业卡片, T:What is he/she ? S:She is a teacher. 好,那我现在需要三位同学上来进行角色扮演,Who’d like to try?

Step 6:游戏

三名同学上台,一名扮演police,其他两名扮演soldier,老师问坐在底下的同学, T:what is he ? S:He is a policeman.

T: what are they ?

S:They are soldiers 再问扮演警察的学生

T:Are you a teacher? 你是老师吗?

S:No,I’m not.不,我不是。

T:是的,我们再询问职业时,还可以说-- Are you a…,接着用Yes 或者No 回答 再问扮演士兵的两位学生

T:Are you a policeman? (你是警察吗?)

S: No,I’m not. T:Are you a solider?

S:Yes,I am . T:Now,Look at this picture.What are they?

S:They are policemen.

T:No,they are traffic police.(板书traffic police 交 警)

Ok,Look at me. What does this gesture mean? It means stop/turn left/right.(板书turn ,left,right.向左转,向右转)

T:Now,listening.Put your hands up.

Hand hand hand left/right .Ok, you are the fastest,come here.(陆续叫四个同学上台,听口令,做转向动作,做错的出局)

T:Now there is another song . Listen . 放视频

Step 7:以播放歌曲

Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star结束。



教材: 小学四年级英语课本

教具: 多种职业单词卡片 多媒体:PPT,歌曲(Ten little Indian boys)


一个男孩a boy

十个男孩 ten boys

一个士兵 a soldier

两个士兵 two soldiers

三个士兵 three soldiers ... …

十个士兵 ten soldiers

单数 复数

soldier soldiers

teacher teachers

policeman policemen

What is he/she ?

He/She is a teacher. What are they ?

They are soldiers. What am I ?

I am a teacher. Are you a teacher?

Yes, I am/No, I am not。