
本单元是以 Sam 寻找 Daming 家, 途中向警察问路为题的对话, 进行了方位词的学习。主要内容是 Sam 要去 Daming 家,途中向警察问 路,当 Sam 到达 West Lake Road 时,却又迷路了,此时只能给 Daming 打电话,Daming 却告诉 Sam, 他住在 East Lake Road.

本单元的语言结构是: Where's...? Turn left! Turn right!Go straight on! 而问与答又有所侧重。为什么?因为学生在一年级的时候学习过 Where's the ...? It's on/in/under the...因此相对于问句来说,本单元更应侧 重于答句。

同时, 在本单元的文本中, 出现了较多的生词, 例如: flat, excuse me, lost, West Lake Road, East Lake Road. 对于这些我们应该怎样处理 呢?首先来确定,这些词是作为重点、难点还是仅仅为提供语境而存在 的?flat, lost, 直接关系到对文本大意的理解,excuse me 是日常交际用 语,所以作为难点,而 West Lake Road, East Lake Road 是街道名称,只 是为提供语境而存在,所以只让学生理解其意思即可。

本单元的语言功能: 首先是能够运用所学的有关描述方位的句 型,描述行走路线或者为别人指路;其次是有礼貌地向别人问路,使学 生学会用一些礼貌用语,如:Excuse me. Thank you. You are welcome.

本单元的语用目的是: 在真实情境下运用所学知识进行行走路 线的描述或者为别人指路,同时能够有礼貌地问路。


本班共有36名学生,有20名学生活泼好动,比较主动,喜欢表 现自己,有10名学生性格偏内向,比较安静,但是在同伴的带领下也会 积极参与活动,有6名学生性格内向,不够主动,对自己信心不足。本 班学生都很喜欢画画,60%的学生动手能力较强。 外教 Jorge 刚刚来到学校,对学校不是很熟悉,经常迷路,通 过课前我了解到,Jorge 总是找不到李校长的办公室和舞蹈教室,他希 望得到帮助。



(1)100%学生能够掌握重点词 “left, right” 和重点句型”Turn left. Turn right. Go straight on.”

(2)80% 学生能够掌握句型 “Excuse me, where is …? I’m lost. Where are you? I’m in …”其余20%的学生能够在同伴的帮助下听懂、能 够认读这些句型。


100%学生能够听懂会说本模块重点句型, 80%学生能够灵活运 用功能句,描述行走路线或者为别人指路,同时能够有礼貌地向别人问 路。其余20%的学生能够在同伴的帮助下达成此目标。




100%学生能够听懂会说本模块重点句型, 80%学生能灵活运用 功能句完成本课设置的本地化任务,即运用 ”Turn left. Turn right. Go straight on.”为新来的外教当向导。其余20%学生能够听懂,并且在同伴 的帮助下能够学会运用这些功能句。



Turn left. Turn right. Go straight on.


Excuse me, where’s …? I’m lost. Where are you? I’m in…”


Step 1 Practise

T: (point to the map)Boys and girls, Sam is lost. But he is going to Daming’s flat. How does he go? Let’s help him, OK? (老师带领学生运用本节课的功 能句,一起帮助 Sam 走到 Daming's flat. )

T and Ss: Go straight on. Go straight on. Turn left. Go straight on.

Step 2 Consolidation

T: Wow, you will be good assistants. Before we help Jorge, let's help Xiyangyang to go to his flat. Now I'm Xiyangyang. Excuse me? Where's the flat?

S16: Turn left./ Turn right./ Go straight on...(在学生的指引下走到目的地)

T: Thank you. S16: You're welcome.

T: You're polite, a star for you.

S16: Thank you.

T: Look, Lanyangyang is going to school.

S17, you are Langyangyang now.

S18, can you help S17?

S18: OK.

S17 and S18: Excuse me, Where's school?Turn left./ Turn right./ Go straight on.Thank you. You're welcome.

T: Clap for them.

S19, Meiyangyang is going to the park. You are Meiyangyang, OK?

S20, can you help Meiyangyang?

S19 and S20: Excuse me, Where's the park?Turn left./ Turn right./ Go straight on.Thank you. You're welcome.

Step 3 Task

J: OK, children, can you help me to find Ms Li's office?

Ss: Yes.(2人一组,每组一张教学楼的平面图,学生手中的平面图标记出 Ms Li's office, 黑板上的平面图不标记,小组练习,然后到讲台前,学 生通过语言指引,Jorge 在平面图上画出路线,最终找到 Ms Li's office )

S21: Go straight on. Turn left. Go straight on. Turn right. Go straight on. Turn right. Go straight on. (如果这个同学不能独立完成这个任务, 需要在 同伴的帮助下一起完成。)

T: Jorge, are you satisfied with them?

J: Yes. They are great.Thank you.

Ss: You're welcome.

T: Let's count the stars.

T: (to assistant who got the most stars) You're assistant for Jorge. So today you help Jorge, OK? A: OK.

Step 4 Homework

1. Read the text on page 34 twice following the CD-ROM.

2. Please help Jorge to find the dancing room.