一、 教学目标与要求:

1、 知识与能力目标

主要词汇: reading playing working making a cake

idea instead

句型结构: What are you doing? We’re/I’m making …

What’s he/she doing? She’s/He’s doing…

2、 情感态度目标


二、 教学重点及难点



三、 课前准备


四、 教学过程

Step 1 Warm up

1、Listen to a chant .

听歌曲SB P8 Make A Cake , 学生跟唱。听完歌曲后, 教师出示cake 的教学图片,向学生讲解字母c 和a的发音,让学生自己拼出发音,着重强调元音字母a的发音。然后讲解make,让学生仿照cake 读出make ,做得好的同学教师奖励。学生做动作学习make a cake

(通过chant 消化两个单词cake和make)

2、Review the -ing form of verbs .

利用电脑复习以前学过的动词词组,回忆如何构成动词的现在分词形式。并复习句式:What are you doing? I’m …… What is he/she doing? He/She is ……. Pair work 练习。

Step 2 Presentation and practice

1、Listen to the tape and answer the questions .

Q1.What is Dad doing?

Q2.What is Mum doing?

Q3.What are Sam and Amy doing?

1、通过回答问题,教授单词reading,教师作出动作来,说出I’m reading. 同学也作出动作说I’m reading.请同学转述这句话,用上He/She is reading. 这时教师请两位同学一同表演reading, 这时老师提问:What are you doing? (并板书)引导学生说出We’re reading.(板书)多找几组同学巩固这个句型。用同样的方法教授working, making a cake,并强调make的现在分词特殊变化。

2、教师讲解课文情境,因为Sam and Amy are very noisy,所以They go to the room.小组讨论What is Amy doing in the room?What is Sam doing in the room? 讨论结束时,教师用Please be quite!并配合“嘘—”动作来做指令,使学生自然明白这句话的含义,学生多说几遍句子,教师纠正发音。学生回答出刚才的问题,讲解playing.

3、Game:将本课涉及到的五个词组(making a cake, reading, working, playing the flute, playing the drums) 的卡片贴到黑板上,找两位同学做猜猜看的游戏。两位同学背对而站,一位同学面向同学做动作,全班同学问:What is he/she doing? 另一位同学猜测。分小组竞赛加分。

4、Listen and circle “We’re making…”

5、Listen and repeat .(教师注意强调语音语调。讲解instead.)

6、Read the dialogue freely and practice the dialogue in pairs .

Step 3 Consolidation and extension

1、Group work:

结合SB Unit 1 活动3出示的词组和课文中出示的词组,教师课前准备一些声音素材(可从卡通片里截取),学生根据声音来判断回答正在做什么。不适宜听声音采出的词组可采用闪动图片或者模糊图片来进行guessing game .

2、Finish exercise 1 。

Step 4 Summary

教师在课件中出示主语不同的现在进行时态的句子,包括I, you, he, she, we, they 学生自己总结规律,主语如何同be动词相搭配。学生总结出知识点后,教师将句子中be动词擦去,作为填空巩固记忆。

Step 5 Homework

1、Listen read after it for 5 minutes.

2、Write five sentences according to AB P7 Exe 3.

Step 6 Blackboard design

 Module 2 Unit 1 We’re making a cake.

 What are you doing? working

 We’re making a cake. reading

 He’s playing the flute

 She’s playing the drums
