Next morning, when they woke up, the sun was already high in the heavens and was shining down bright and warm into the tree. Then said brother:

"I'm so thirsty,9 sister; if I did but know where to find a little stream, I'd go and have a drink. I do believe I hear one." He jumped up, took sister by the hand, and they set off to hunt for the brook.

Now their cruel stepmother was in reality a witch,10 and she knew perfectly well that the two children had run away. She had crept secretly after them, and had cast her spells over all the streams in the forest.11

Presently the children found a little brook dancing and glittering over the stones, and brother was eager to drink of it, but as it rushed past sister heard it murmuring:12

"Who drinks of me will be a tiger!"13 who drinks of me will bea tiger!"14
