

1. second_______ 2. third______3. fifth_______ 4. fourth_______ 5. first________


A. April Fool’s Day is on April 1st B. When is China’s National Day?

C. Is Tree Planting Day on Mar. 12th? D. Christams is on Dec. 24th

1._______ 2_______ 3.______ 4._______


( ) 1.There are two special days in April.

( ) 2. April Fool’s Day is on April 2nd.

( ) 3. Easter is on April 5th.

( ) 4.Zhang Peng don’t like April.

学生小结:这节课我学到了 。

Step5、布置当堂作业 和同桌一起背诵 Let’s talk的对话

板书设计: Unit 4 When is Easter?

What are they?

A: When is the April Fool’s Day?. B: It’s on April 1st. special days

A: When is Easter ? B: It’s on April 5th. And Easter?


Period 3 Section B Let’s learn Look and write P42

Learning aims(学习目标):

1. 能够听、说、读、写序数词及简写形式:twelfth(12th), twentieth(20th), twenty-first(21st), twenty-third(23rd),thirtieth(30th)

2. 初步了解一个月份中日期的表达方式。

3. 让学生能自己总结出序数词表达的基本规律。

Important &difficult points(重难点):

1.words twelfth(12th), twentieth(20th), twenty-first(21st), twenty-third(23rd), thirtieth(30th)的学习。

2.sentences:When is your birthday?/ When is Grandpa’s birthday? It’s on October 12th.的学习。

Teaching aids:words cards.

Learning steps(学习步骤):

Step 1.预习温故(用时5分钟)

1)Revision:Go over the old words: one . First, two , second , three third ,.....(可教师说基数词学生说序数词1---5)

T:When is math test?. S: It’s on Oct. 4th......(类似练习)

T: How to say 4.12?

教师板书出12,20,21,23,30的序数词及简写形式,同学们找出其有关序数词简写的规律(凡是在有1的后面用st, 2的后面用nd.3的后面加rd...... )
