T: How many presents can you see? I can see __-presents .

Quick response . how many presents ? Are you ready ?

Ss: (clap ,clap ,ready)

T: Who is win ? Say yeah ~~

教学单词 bell

T: You are so clever, please guess what’s my present? What’s in the box ?


S:Bell .

T: You are so clever . 展示实物, 领读(bell ,bell, diling, diling ,bell.  Bell, bell, jingle bell . 由慢到常速到快)

传递bell 练习Bell, bell, jingle bell(老师用音乐的铃控制节奏)

T: Look , I have many bells . How many bells ? 引导: One bell, two bells ,…..ten . t 。拼b-e l-l,ji奖励 铃铛,顺便让学生走到前面来。示范唱:10只小铃铛, 请10个同学到中间跳舞,其他的同学拍手唱歌。表扬。 要求跳舞的同学把铃铛挂在树上:Please help me to put the bells on the tree . (搬圣诞树到中间)

教学单词 tree

认读单词,示范ee , t-r-e-e ,tree. Tree, tree, a Christmas tree. (TPR)

Train work . Train work .Choo. Choo.

教学单词 star

T: What’s on the tree . It’s a star. (认读,ar a , s-t-a-r ,star)

Star , star ,a yellow star . ( boys , girls , whole class )


1.Quick response : if I am right , you cap your hands , and say after me , if I am wrong you stomp your feet and tell me how to read it ) Are you ready ?
