
1、四会词a pie、chips、 noodles、 sweets 、chocolat、 tea、 coffee、 juice、milk.

2、三会词 hamburgers、sandwiches、biscuits

3、三会学习交际用语 What would you like? How much is it/are they? Its/theyre….

4、 三会学习交际用语 How about you? Some…,please. Something to drink? Anything else? What can you see in the picture?




pies 、sandwiches、hamburgers、chips、sweet、biscuits 、noodles、milk、chocolate、juice、tea 、coffee.

2、在听说训练中,学会What wold you like ? How about you ? Anything else ? How much are they ? 等句子。

3、通过听说训练,能正确听读、辨认辅音字母组合ds 、ts在单词中的发音。

4、学会诵读歌谣 What would you like ?





4、在诵读歌谣的过程中,学会自己编演 chant ,培养创新能力。









1、 四会词: pies hamburgers chips noddles sweets

2、 三会词: sandwiches

3、 四会交际用语 What would you like ?

4、 三会交际用语Anything else ?


1、 教师准备生词卡片,实物图片,录音机等。

2、 教师准备一个小纸袋,内装一些本课学习所需要的食品。



四、教学难点: 理解并运用How about you ? Anything else ?




2、Free talk

T: Good morning , class . Today I have some food .Look , here they are .(出示小纸袋)

T: Hello , xx. What would you like ?

S: Id like a hamburger .

T:Heres a hamburger .Here you are .

S:Thank you , Miss Xue .

T:You are welcome .

(用同样的方法询问几个学生,导入新课---At a snack bar)




T:Oh dear .Im very hungry . Are you hungry ?

S:Yes .

T: Well , lets do some shopping . OK ? Id like a hamburger . Hi, xx. What would you like ?

S1:Id like a hamburger .

S2: Id like a pie .

T: How about you , xx ?

S3:Id like a sandwich..

询问两、三个学生后,教师板书:What would you like ? How about you ?

1、 情景引出食品类名词

T: Look , whats this ? (出示一个苹果派)

S: Its a pie .

T: Yes , its an apple pie . Do you like this apple pie ?

S: Yes .

T: If you are good . This apple pie is for you . Who wants this apple pie ? Hi ,xx. What would you like ? I have many food .Do you like ? Now ,guess. Whats in my bag ?

(根据学生猜测,教师逐个出示hamburger、 sandwich )

用同样的方式引出新词教学:sweets 、chips 、biscuit 、noodles

T: Now , here are some food. Who can act a salesman ?

T: Well , Im very hungry . I want something to eat .

S: What would you like ?

T: Id like a hamburger .

S: Here you are .

Work in pairs .

2、 猜物游戏,教师带一个小袋,内装一些食品,让学生摸一摸,猜一猜。

T:Here are some food .Guess what are these ? If you are right , you will get this .

S: Great .

T:What are these ? S:Sandwiches.

T:Yes . You are right ./ No , you are wrong .


3、朗读小诗:What would you like ?

4、情景引出: Anything else ?

T:Hi,…What would you like ?

S:Id like a hanburger .

T:Anything else ? Do you want a sandwich ? What else do you want ?

S:Id like a hot dog .

T:Good . Here you are .

(板书新句,教学Anything else ?)


T:What would you like ?

S:Id like a hamburger .

T: How about you ?

S: Id like a hot dog .

T: Anything else ?

S:Some chips.

T:Here you are .

Work in pairs.


1、 听录音,学说话。

2、 学生表演串联对话

3、 布置作业: (1) 抄写新单词

(2) 编演对话

Unit 7 At a snack bar What would you like ? Id like a hamburger . chips How about you ? sandwiches noodlesAnything else ? a pie sweets




1、 四会单词:chocolate tea coffee juice milk

2、四会学习句子: How much is it / are they ? Its ../Theyre …

3、三会学习句子:Something to drink ?




T: Good morning , class . Today I have some food . Do you like them ?

S: Yes .

T: Hello , xxx . What would you like ?

S: Id like a hamburger .

T: How about you , xx ?

S: Id like a hot dog .

T: Anything else ?

S: Some chips , please .


1、游戏猜谜引出新单词 chocolate

T: First , lets play a game . Whats in my bag ?

S1: Its a hamburger , I think .

S2: Its a hot dog , I think.

S3: Its an apple pie , I think .

T: No , its a bar of chocolate .

T: Now say after me , chocolate , chocolate , a bar of chocolate .

S: Chocolate , chocolate , a bar of chocolate .

T: Do you like it?

S: Yes , I do .

T: If you are good in this game , this bar of chocolate will be for you .


T: Oh , dear . Today is very hot . I m very thirsty . I want something to drink . Do you want something to drink ?

S:Yes , I do .

T: Whats in my bag ?

S: Some milk , I think.

T: Yes , you are right . Heres some milk . Do you want some milk ?

S: Great !

T: Dont worry . I have some drink . Guess ! Whats in my bag ?

S: Some orange juice .

T: Yes , you are right .Its a bottle of orange juice . Anything else ?

S: Some apple juice .

T: No , you are wrong .

(教师用同样的方法,逐个出示其他饮料单词,教授新词:tea、 coffee、 milk )

T: Good . Now lets have a match . OK ? Here are some pictures . Please guess whats this in the pictures ? 教师拿出饮料图片,折去半张纸,只露出图片的一个角。

S1: Some milk ?

S2: Some orange juice ?

S3: Some coffee ?

S: Some tea ?


T: Great . Now , class , lets have a rest . Shall we go to the supermarket and buy something to drink ? OK ?

S: Great !

3、情景对话, 引出新句Something to drink ?

T: Hello , xxx. What would you like ?

S: Id like a hamburger .

T: Something to drink ?

S: Some orange juice .

T: All right . Here you are .

S: Thank you .

T: Hello , xxx . How about you ? Some orange juice ?

S: Yes .

T: Here you are .

板书:Something to drink ?

T: Oh , Im very hungry and thirsty . I want something to drink . Who want to be a salesmen ?

S: Hello , Miss Xue . What would you like ?

T: Id like a hot dog .

S: Something to drink ?

T: Yes . Some tea , please .

S: Here you are .

Work in pairs

4、创设情景,引出 Me , too .

T: Hi , xxx. What would you like ?

S1: Id like a sandwich .

T: Me , too . Something to drink ?

S: Some apple juice , please .

T: Me , too .

板书: Me , too .


5、情景引出新句 How much is it / are they ?

T: Im very thirsty , I want something to drink . Whats that on your desk ?

May I have one ?

S1: Sure , here you are .

T: How much is it ?

S1: Two yuan .

T: Id like some milk . How much is it ?

S1: Three yuan .

T: How much are they ?

板书: How much is it / are they ?

Work in pairs .

6、学生互动,练习用Something to drink ? How much is it / are they ?表演。


1、Say a rhyme : What would you like ?

What would you like ? Id like some orange juice .

What would you like ? Id like some milk .

What would you like ? Id like some tea .

What would you like ? Id like some coffee .

Sure , they are very nice .

2、Listen to the tape and read the dialogue .


Modle :

T: Hello , xxx. Whats the time , now ?

S1: Its about 11 oclock .

T: Its time to have lunch , now . Shall we go to the supermarket ?

S1: All right .

S2: Good afternoon . Can I help you ?

T: What would you like ?

S1: Id like a hot dog .

T:Something to drink ?

S1: Some milk , please .

T: Me , too . How much are they ?

S2: Eight yuan .

T: Here you are , thank you .


T: Now lets do some exercises . Look at the pictures . What do they like ? Can you tell me ?

S: Yes , I can .

T: Lets begin now .

1、 Do a survey .

教师设计一张调查表格, 样式如下:

Modle :

T: Hello . Whats your name ? What would you like ?

S: Im xxx. Id like a hamburger .

T:Anything else ?

S: Some chips .

T:Something to drink ?

S: Some milk .

T: How about you ? Whats your name ? What would you like ? Something to drink ?

S: (略)

Food Sandwiches Hamburgers Pies milk Juice

Wang Bin


Unit 7 At a snack bar Something to drink ?How much is it / are they ?Its / Theyre ….


常州市浦前中心小学 李霞

教学目标:1.巩固前两课所学的食物类单词,能用"What would you like ?"询问他人,并会用"Id like …"进行回答。

2. 能用"What can you see in the picture ?""How many ?"正确询问并回答。





Step 1.Revision.

1. 通过图片复习食物类单词。

T:What can you see in the picture?

S:I can see …

2. Listen to the tape (Say a rhyme),and say after it .

3. Students make a new rhyme.(教师给予一定指导)

Model: What would you like ?

Id like some orange juice .

What would you like ?

Id like some milk .

Sure , theyre very nice .

4. Free talk :

T:Shall we go to the KFC , A?

S:Great.How do we go there ?

T:Shall we go to the KFC by bus ?

S:No,lets go by minibus .

T:OK . Lets go .

Step 2 Look at the picture of Part G 2

1. Ask Questions:

(1) What can you see in the picture ? I can see some …

(2) How many ?

(3) Do you like sandwiches?

(4) Id like …

2. Students ask in pairs and fill in the blanks of the table.

3. Teacher asks the students and check the answers.

Step 3:Presention and practice:

T:Lets go and buy something to eat.


T:Who act the waiter and the waitress.

(Two students act the waiter and the waitress.)

1. Teacher makes a model with some students.

S1:What would you like ?

T:Im hungry .Id like a humburger.

S1:Anything else ?

T: Im thirsty , too.Id like a glass of juice .

S1:Hot or cold ?

T:Hot , please.

S1:Here you are .

T:Heres my humburger and a glass of juice. Thank you.How much are they ?

S1:Theyre 18 yuan .

2. Students go to buy something to eat in a group.

3. Act out the dialogue.

Step 4:Consolidation:

Look at the book of page 56.Act a waiter or a waitress , ask your classmates and fill in the blanks.


1.Oral homework:

Ask the friends and family members :If they go to the KFC or Mc,"What would you like ?"

2. Written homework:

Finish the Part D of the workbook.

第 四 课 时

教学目标:1.巩固本单元所学的内容,了解字母组合ds, ts 的发音。

2. 完成练习册上的练习。

教学准备:磁带,录音机, 单词卡片等。


Step 1.Revision.

1. Hungry,hungry ,Im Hungry,

Humburger,humburger,heres a humburger.

Thirsty ,thirsty ,Im thirsty,

Coffee,coffee,heres some coffee.

(pies, juice;biscuits, milk)

2. Free talk:

T:Do you like biscuits?

S:Yes , I do.

T:Me,too.Do you like sweets?

S:Yes,I do.

T:Oh,no .I dont like sweets.

Step 2:Look at the picture of Part F:

T: Look at those boys. What are those in their hands?

Ss: Theyre biscuits and sweets.

T: What are those flying in the sky?(教师边说边做动作)

Ss: Theyre birds.

Read the words and sentence.

birds friends biscuits sweets

My friends like birds ,sweets and biscuits.


Step 3:Read and act:


T: Hello,whats the time ?

S:Its …

T:Lets go and play basketball.

S:OK.Lets go.

T:I cant move now . Im hungy.

Teach the phrases"go and play"and the word "move".

2.Listen to the tape and answer some questions:

What do they want to play ?

What does Gao Shan want?

Does Go Shan go to play basketball?

3.Read the dialogue after the tape .

4.Read in pairs.

5.Make a new dialogue and act it out.

Step 4:Consolidation:

Look at the workbook ,listen and do .

A. Listen ,find and circle .

B. Listen and match .

C. Listen match and write.

Step 5:Homework:

Make a new dialogue according to the real life.