6:30,6:30 Time to get up. Time to get up.

7:05,7:05 Time to go to school. Time to go to school.

16:35,16:35 Time to go home. Time to go home.

21:00,21:00 Time to go to bed. Time to go to bed.

7:00,7:00 Time for breakfast. Time for breakfast.

9:00,9:00 Time for English. Time for English .

12:00,12:00 Time for lunch. Time for lunch.

18:00,18:00 Time for dinner. Time for dinner.

(设计意图: 将全班分成两大组,利用学生的竞争意识去提高参与课堂活动的主动积极性,一来活跃课堂气氛,二来将难点Time To &Time For渗透到琅琅上口的歌谣中,使学生印象更加深刻,提高学习效果。同时向学生渗透24小时制的生活常识)

T:(针对比赛的结果点评)Group One, when you stand up to chant, you must hurry up!(利用形象的动作引出新单词hurry)。


1. Let’s talk

⑴ talk about the pictures

T:(出示课文挂图,把句子内容遮住)Today we’re going to talk about Mike’s timetable. Look at Picture One, where is Mike? At home or at school ?Can you guess what time is it?让学生猜测\回答问题.

Look at picture two, what time is it? And It’s time to…

Look at picture three, is mike still at home? Can you see the clock on the wall? What time is it? And it’s time for…

⑵Let’s watch TV twice, try to find out the answers.
