Show another picture and ask: Who is he? Lead the students to guess, and teach “father”

Ask students to show their fathers’ picture and say like this: This is my father.

2. Pick up a woman’s picture, and ask “ Is this your father?

S: No, this is my----

Teach “mother”, and ask students to show the picture of their mothers and say “ This is my mother”.

3. Deal with the new words “daughter son” in the same way . Teach students to say the sentence: I am the son or I am the daughter.

4. Show a family of four: This is the father, this is the mother, this is the son and this is the daughter, they are a happy family. Teach family.

Step 3. Let’s chant.

father father是爸爸

mother mother是妈妈

daughter daughter是女儿

son son是儿子




Step4. Show the video learn about Jenny’s family and Li Ming’s family.

Step5. Picture show

Students come to the front and show their happy family to others. (学英语的重要目标之一就是学以致用,把课本知识还原到现实生活中。让学生感到英语学习并不是单纯的一门学科,它就在我们身边,有利于学生在生活中实际运用)
