
1.能听懂、会说新单词 cold,weather,windy,snowy,cloudy;

2.能运用句型“It’s a……day.“I like……”谈论天气。 ”



难点:本课新单词 cold,weather,windy,snowy,cloudy 的认 读。




Step 1 Warming up

1.师生问好 T:class begins S:stand up T:Hello boys and girs S:Hello,Miss Shi T::How are you today? S:fine,thanks and you? T:I’m OK.sit down please.

Step 2 Presentation and drill

1.看图猜天气,引出新单词 cloudy,windy, snowy,并练习 T:now answer my question.(学生回答完之后没人给一张单词卡 片)listen carefully. how old are you? S:…。 How many chalks are there? S:…。. What color is this pencilcase? S:…。. T:everybody look at these pictures and listen,guess what’s the weather like? attention! (出示图片) what’s the weather like? who knows? S:sunny T:great ,sit down please.It’s sunny.fllow me,It’s sunny(生跟读)very good! 用同样方法教学单词 coldy, windy, snowy

3.游戏:巩固句子“what’s the weather like?”及 cloudy,windy, snowy 等天气词语 T:Now girls stand up ,read words loudly then boys stand up quickly and read again.understand?ready go!(everybody open your mouth,let’s me hear your voice 除了用 snowy 外,还可以换其他的 单 词 )ok,I think ..are better. pay attention:now I changed the game .read these wordcards When you see the bomb (展示给学生 看)please keep queit and clap your hands quickly,understand?(学生 游戏) T: what’s the weather like today? S:…。. T: I like …day,and I don’t like snowy day ,It’s cold. (带读 cold) .Do you like …day? S:…。. T: so what’s the weather do you like?why? (引出每个天气的特点: warm cool hot ) T:拿出卡片,找学生问:what’s the weather like ? S: …。 T:Do you like …day? S: …。

Step 3 Practice

1.自由会话 T:Ok,practice with your partners use these sentences. (请同学起来 练习)

2.听录音,跟读 T:listen to the video(先播放一次,后一次学生跟读)who wants to try?(请一位学生带读,最后学生齐读)

3.结束 T:Are you happy today? But time is over.boys and girls,bye bye!