在著名人物这一课的学习中,涉及了who’s your hero?/heroine这一句子,有学生提到自己的英雄是父母亲,而我却忽视了这一个好时机,没有布置一个前置性作业:让学生预先思考一下,为什么认为自己的英雄是父母亲,如果能让学生谈谈原因,这样的教学意义就更大了。因此我布置了一项补救性的家庭作业,让同学查找并描述自己的英雄人物,在下一节课的互相交流介绍中,很多同学都有话可说了。有些同学图文并茂的对方文山进行了介绍 Fang Wenshan is my hero. He is a famous writer. He is a composer for Jay Chou. Many years ago, he wasn’t fomous.He was a salesman worked from nine to five. He wanted to be a film direct, But no chance. But he still works hard and tries to write lyrics. After that he had a chance to compose for Jay Zhou .And soon he is famous. I think he will be more famous in the future.接着其他同学又对雷锋等人物进行了介绍, 学生们听得津津有味。各种人物的特点事迹:still works hard,help the other people…既让学生巩固了所学语言知识,也让学生思想上得到启发。