


经过几年的英语学习,五年级的学生普遍有一定的英语基础,具有一定的自学能力和语言组织能力,但是在灵活应用上还有欠缺。对于运用颜色及大小等形容词来描述物品已经初步掌握。但是由于我们农村乡镇孩子们缺乏学习英语和运用英语的语言环境,孩子们在课堂上容易有 “不知所云”的感觉,丧失了学习的主动性。因此,在任务型教学过程中我把所学的知识与真实情景挂起钩来,围绕教学目标特别为他们设置有趣的说唱,游戏和“课堂积分”的评价方法,让学生动起来、让课堂活起来,让学生轻松学英语。

Teaching Aims(教学目标):

1 Knowledge Aim(知识目标)


B:能熟练运用句型:It’s big and light /It’ll be easy for you进行关于事物的简单交流

2 Ability Aim(能力目标)


3 Moral Aim(情感目标)


4 学习策略目标




2.句子:It’s big and light. It’s got two pockets. It’ll be easy for me.





Teaching Procedure(教学过程):

Step 1:Warming-up(热身运动)

1、Sing the song


2. Let’s chant

T: All eyes on me, please.

Small, small, small, my eyes are small;

Big, big, big, my mouth is big;

New, new, new, my clothes are new;

Old, old, old, my bag is old. (配合动作)

(设计意图:通过说唱歌谣配合教师的夸张动作,调动课堂气氛,复习small, big, old, new的词汇,为新课作准备。)

Step 2:Presentation(呈现新知)

1、T: (Show Ss a bag)What color is this ? What is this ?

Ss: blue,包

T:look,what’s this?(指着包上的一个口袋)

T:Yes.It’s a pocket.


继而用一只手掂包教light,之后教It’s big and light. I’ll be easy for me.搬课桌,装作很吃力的样子:T:Oh,so heavy!(拿出单词卡教读) 出示刚才那个包复习pocket,把一支粉笔放进去,可粉笔掉出来了:T:Oh ,whathappen ?(给学生看包烂的地方)It’s

broken.拿处单词卡教读:It’s broken。



T:Boys and girls,let’s have a chant .

Heavy , heavy , the pocket, is small and light .

Light , light , the desk is big and light


Let’s look and say (教师呈现教材挂图,引导学生自由描述图片的内容。T:what can you see ? what are they doing? Please work in pairs. I give you two minutes.(Ss 小组活动两分钟)


Step 3:New structures learning(新授)

1. Listen to the tape ,think about these questions

1) Why does Ms Smart want to buy Lingling a new bag?

2) How many bags do they see?

3) Why don’t they choose (选择) the black one?

4) Which bag do they choose? Why?

2. Listen again and then answer the questions.

1) Why does Ms Smart want to buy Lingling a new bag?

Because Lingling’s bag is broken.

2) How many bags do they see? Three.

3) Why don’t they choose (选择) the black one? It’s (too) heavy.

4) Which one do they choose? Why?

They choose the blue one. Because it’s big and light, and it’s got four wheels.


3 listen to the tape and repeat,then read after me

T: Now let’s talk about the two questions .please talk about them in four(教师请两个小组做全班交流,学生可以对小组的答案作评价)


4 listen and read ,then circle “true or false”(教师出示小黑板,学生回答“true or false”)


Step 4:Practice(练习)

1 practice and try to play the story

T: Now ,let’s play the story with your partner. if you play it with your books,you can get two stars (Ss 分组表演)教师相机请两组至三组学生上台表演,并让其他学生评价。


2 play a game(接龙游戏)


Step 5:Production(任务完成)

Let’s talk 教师引导学生描述一些动物的特征】

T: let’s describe some animals (show Ss some animals picture)学生运用所学的形容词进行描述。

Step 6:Summary(总结)

1 T:what have you learnt from the text? please speak it out in your group.I give you three minutes (Ss 进行小组活动)

(设计意图: 每一堂课都要对本节课的内容做一个小结,让学生在小结中归纳出本节课的所学,让本节课的重点难点再次浮现于学生的脑海中,同时也使整节课有始有终。)

2 extensive writing

Read and fill in the blanks.

1oken 2. blue 3. small 4. light

5. heavy 6. big 7. pockets 8. easy

Hello, I’m Lingling. My bag is . I want to buy a new one. The black bag is nice. It’s . But it’s . The green bag is . And it’s got two . But it’s . The blue bag is big and light. And it’s got four wheels. It’ll be for me. So I will take the bag.


Step 7:Homework(作业)

(1)Try to describe the things in your house.(尝试用学过的词描述


(2)Read the text. Recite the words in Module 5.(读课文,背词)


Module 5 Unit 1 It’s big and light.

This black bag is nice. It’s big.

This blue one is big and light.

It’ll be easy for you