
1 能听懂、会说、初步认读big, small, bright,发音正确。

2 能听懂,会说a big …, a small …, a bright …等相关的短语。


1 能听懂、会说、初步认读big, small, bright,发音正确。

2 能听懂,会说a big …, a small …, a bright …等相关的短语。






Step 1

T: Hello!

S: Hello!

T: What’s this? (挂图)

S: This is a sun.

T: Where is the sun?

S: Sun, in the sky.


Step 2

Review the words

Read together

Select some Ss to read them

Say the rhyme

2、New words

T: 幻灯片出示两幅太阳的图片

What are they?

Ss: sun

T: 小朋友们仔细观察一下,这两个太阳有什么不同?

Ss: 一个大,一个小

T: Oh, this is a big sun, this is a small sun. (指着图片)

Learn: big small

Read the words after the teacher some times.

T: 修改:要求学生来练习歌谣。Read and act: big, big, big sun

Small, small, small sun

Ss: read and act

Play a game:

Big, big, big… Small, small, small…。


T: 幻灯片出示两盏灯,一个亮,一个不亮)

The same way to teach: light

Read all the new words in different ways.

Say a rhyme: (read and act)

Big, big, big sun.

Small, small, small star.

Bright, bright, bright moon.

Step 3

Read all the words after the tape recorder again.

Step 4 Assign homework




big small bright