Lesson 2: A: Let’s learn Let’s do

Lesson 3: A: Let’s make Let’s sing

Lesson 4: B: Let’s talk Let’s play Culture

Lesson 5: B: Let’s learn Let’s do Let’s sing

Lesson 6: B: Let’s check Let’s chant C: Story time

Teaching aims :

1. Listen, speak, and read the words head, face, nose, mouth, eye, ear, arm, hand, finger, leg, foot, body. And use those words to describe the part of the body, e.g. Look at me. This is my head.

2. Listen and speak the words good, morning, this, nice, meet, let’s, go, OK, to, mom, afternoon, too. And use those words to greet to others. E.G. Hello. Good morning. This is John.

3. Enable pupils to understand and communicate with some dialogue: -- Good morning. -- Where’s your mouth? Hello. This is John. Here it is. Nice to meet you. Where’s your hand? Let’s go to school. Here it is.
