

(1)教师放歌曲“My Pen Pal”的录音,学生跟录音齐唱。

(2)学生开火车介绍自己同桌的业余爱好,如:“…likes…其同桌说:No,I like….”

(3)教师放Let's chant部分的歌谣“Tell me about your pen pal’’的录音,录音说唱歌谣。


教师出示B Let's learn部分的单词卡片,问:“Does your uncle live in…?Does

he go to work by…?Does he read newspapers in the morning/evening? Does he watch at night?”学生根据实际情况作出肯定或否定面答。


Main Scene

教师引导学生看主情景图。教师说:“Look! Chert Jie is looking at some picture. Her

Mother is beside her. What are they talking about?”学生分角色朗读。教师可让学生试着用英语描述陈杰的笔友的情况。以下内容供参考:

He is from Canada.He lives in the city.

He goes to school by bus.

Let's try

He tikes making planes.He likes swimming.

学生听录音,做Let's try部分的练习Listen and circle.


Boy:Does your mother work in a hospital?

Girl:Yes,she does.

Boy:Does your father work in the hospital.too?

Girl:No,he doesn’t.He works in a schoo1.

Boy:Does your father go to work by bike?

Girl:Yes,he does.

Let's talk

(1) 教师说:“Zhang Peng’s mother is a teacher.What does she teach? Does she teach English?”教师出示Let's talk部分的挂图,放录音,学生听录音阅读对话。教师出示主句型:Does he/she…?Yes,he/she does.No,he/she doesn't.然后教师引导学生回答刚刚提出的问题,逐步掌握肯定和否定回答。再放一遍, 学生跟读.

(2)教师说:“My mother is a teacher,too.Do you want to know more about her.Ask me some questions.”教师依次出示B Let's learn部分的单词卡片,提示学生根 据上面的短语和黑板上的重点句型提问,教师作答。


如:Does your uncle live in the city? Yes,he does.Does your grandma live in the country? No,she doesn't.


教师准备一些卡片,正面写有人名,反面写有地名,如:city,country,village, farm,forest,mountain,nature park等。请一名学生上台抽取一张卡片,问台一学生:“Guess.Where does…live?'’学生猜:“Does he/she live in/on…?”猜对的小组得一分。


Tick and say



Boy:Look! This is a picture of my uncle's family.They live in Xinjiang.My uncle works in a school.

Girl:Does you aunt work in the school, too?

Boy:No。she doesn't.She works in a hospital.

Girl:Does your uncle go to work by bike?

Boy:Yes.he does.

Girl:Does your aunt go to work by bike,too?

Boy:No,she doesn't.She goes to work by bus.

Task time

(1)教师发给学生每人一张表格,表格内容见学生用书第52页。学生将个人信息填好后交给教师。教师请一名学生上台从一摞表格中抽取一张,告诉台下学生:“It's a boy/girl.”学生分成两大组,轮流提问,如:“Does he/she like drawing pictures? Does he/she goes to school by bus?”等等,看哪一组先猜出填写卡片的人是谁。

(2)复习Pronunciation,Good to know和Story time的内容。

4.巩固和延伸(Consolidation and extension)

(1)学生做本单元B Let's talk部分的活动手册配套练习。

(2)学生听Let's learn,Let's talk部分的录音,读给家长或同伴听。



能够听、说、读、写句型:Does she teach English? No,she doesn't.Yes.she does.


1.本课时的教学重点是四会掌握句型:Does she teach English? No,she doesn’t.Yes,she does.




2.教师准备B Let's learn的单词卡片和B Let's talk的挂图。
