Step1 Warm up:

1. Class begins! Good morning,boys and girls.First,let’s sing a song. “We had a lovely day.”(设计意图:用歌曲激发学生学习兴趣,这首歌里的句子都是过去式的,也为后面的学习做铺垫。)

2. What day is it today? What day was yesterday? Someone to answer.What did you do yesterday? Someone to answer.What did she/he do yesterday? Then choose a group.One student to say “Yesterday I …”,another one to say:“Yesterday she/he …”(设计意图:用谈话的方式和学生一起复习前几个模块学的一般过去式的句型。为了引出新授句型Did you …?)

Step2 Presentation and practise:

1. Did you go to school yesterday? Someone to answer.(on the board:Did you go to school? Yes,I did.) Did you play football? (on the board)Someone to answer.(这里有的学生会回答是,有的学生会回答不是,在某位学生说No,I didn’t.时,板书否定回答句子。)Show card: “did” read it one by one. “didn’t” two people to read it together. Look, “Did you” ,read after me.(纠正学生连读发音)

2. Yesterday I went to a place.Can you ask me? Guess.Someone to ask me “Did you go to …?” (设计意图:让学生猜一猜我昨天去了哪里,初步感知、练习句型Did you … ?并体会一般过去式一般疑问句中用动词原形。)预设:学生问我Did you go to the park/zoo/cinema…?肯定有学生会问Did you go to the supermarket?这时我就回答Yes, I did.并奖励该学生两颗星星,奖励之前没猜对的学生一颗星星。
